New member
I have never considered getting a peircing, especially in the bridge of my nose, but this is possibly the coolest thing i've ever seen
Some people are really nuts. Does anybody have/seen peircings crazier than this?
I’ve only had them for about a week now, but I’ve been sleeping and showering in them. I hadn’t taken them off in four days when one of the brackets cut me while I was asleep; I’d forgotten to sand the edges and they were still razor sharp. They’re back on now and seem reliable enough to take on a two week trip over the holidays; I doubt I’ll need to take them off during that time. Taking them on and off is a bit of a hassle, as it involves taking a tiny screwdriver and unscrewing them while they’re on my face — about a 5 to 10 minute process — which I suppose is about what you’d spend with contacts.
Some people are really nuts. Does anybody have/seen peircings crazier than this?