Yeti GOBOX Collection

Glasgow, America

The good looking ones probably heard you were one more dickhead from Western Montana and steered clear.

If things were so great in the "zoo" why not stay there and not be bothered by us poor dumb uneducated walleye fisherman?

I was going to invite some of guys along for a trip around the area but I guess that isn't what you all are interested.

Have fun and please hurry back west at the first chance you get.


Jeez, man. I wasn't trying to insult you. So far everyone here has been pretty nice. It must be an eastern MT thing though, because some of the guys in the bar did give me some shit for being from the west.

Having grown up fishing in Western Montana...I almost dont even like fishing for trout anymore. In particular because the wannabe's have ruined the fishing in Western Montana...and they wouldnt have the first clue regarding what they didnt know or do.

Plus, you give any asshole a sage/winston, etc. and a 12 inch 'bow taken on a #16 catsass fly and they think they're showing you something from a Norman Maclean novel.

Yeah, right.

I bet none of the wannabe's bought flys sold in boxes at .24 cents a piece...with pre-tied leaders on cards with names like Dina mites, Sandy Mites, Lady Mites, Maggots, or Buddy Mites...




Doubtful they would even know what these two cork flys are, or who tied them...nor think of tying on a #2 Sandy Mite:


Of course the same wannabes probably never battled 3 pound cutthroat two at a time on a double fly rig with a bamboo rod either.

Fishing in Western Montana isnt even a whisper of what it was...and thats a fact. I do enjoy all the tough talk in the Fly Shops though...makes me laugh.
Fishermen are weird.

If anyone wants to hang out I'll be the short guy wandering around looking for sheds and drinking beer.
The good looking ones probably heard you were one more dickhead from Western Montana and steered clear.

If things were so great in the "zoo" why not stay there and not be bothered by us poor dumb uneducated walleye fisherman?

I was going to invite some of guys along for a trip around the area but I guess that isn't what you all are interested.

Have fun and please hurry back west at the first chance you get.


Nemont's a little edgy too. :rolleyes: Must be the moon.

I have a bro in law that grew up in Missoula, who now lives in Glasgow. He loves it. Fishes and hunts every chance he can. Life is kind of like it was growing up around here.

I was always a catch and killer, hope to make it over there again.

Nice collection of oldies! That's neat you still have them on the cards like that.

The cork bodies ones are Bunyan Bugs, correct?
Yep, Bunyan bugs...and I bet not many on this board have ever fished one.

I cant believe I have...or that they actually worked!
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Not really all that old...just old enough to catch the end of some of the best fishing in Western Montana.

Strange to think that killing 10 cutthroats on the Blackfoot was no big deal when I was a kid...or keeping bull trout...and actually fishing for whitefish.

Having grown up fishing in Western Montana...I almost dont even like fishing for trout anymore. In particular because the wannabe's have ruined the fishing in Western Montana...and they wouldnt have the first clue regarding what they didnt know or do.

Plus, you give any asshole a sage/winston, etc. and a 12 inch 'bow taken on a #16 catsass fly and they think they're showing you something from a Norman Maclean novel.

Yeah, right.

I bet none of the wannabe's bought flys sold in boxes at .24 cents a piece...with pre-tied leaders on cards with names like Dina mites, Sandy Mites, Lady Mites, Maggots, or Buddy Mites...




Doubtful they would even know what these two cork flys are, or who tied them...nor think of tying on a #2 Sandy Mite:


Of course the same wannabes probably never battled 3 pound cutthroat two at a time on a double fly rig with a bamboo rod either.

Fishing in Western Montana isnt even a whisper of what it was...and thats a fact. I do enjoy all the tough talk in the Fly Shops though...makes me laugh.


Those are SWEET. I spent 6 hours on Sunday on the river below the dam and we limited on eating size walleye's. My buddy won't allow northerns into the live well so we had to let them go.

Funny thing is that if one knows where to look there is some great flyfishing for big trout in certain areas around here. I have spent days casting big streamers until my arm hurts and catch 3lb and up rainbows and there in not another person within 2 miles of me. Also if you have never caught a northern on a fly rod you should give it a try. I used to spend every waking minute in college on the Jefferson, Madison, Yellowstone and Gallatin whipping the water into a froth.

I thought fly fishing was a rich man sport until I moved back over here and got into to walleye fishing. For what a trolling motor costs I could have outfitted myself with all the flyfishing gear I would need to catch fish.

Anyway that is a great collection of flies.

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You live in a great part of Montana in my opinion...the fishing alone would take a lifetime to figure out. The fishing in Fort Peck is unbelievable from a quality, quantity and number of species standpoint. As an added bonus, there just arent many people over that way.

I hear you on the cost of all things fishing...walleye, trout, steelhead, salmon etc. if you really get into it.

Nice work on the eyes, not many fish top them for eating. Thats odd that your buddy wont allow a northern in his live well...IMO, they're pretty close to walleye for eating.

Anyway, if a person cant find something worthwhile to do in the outdoors up your way...they arent trying very hard.
Lots of the walleye purist around here don't like dealing with the slime or the bones of northerns. I like them and will keep them in my boat but I have a 15 year old son that cleans the boat out for me, when he leaves I may more selective in what goes in the livewell. The small mouth bass fishery has really taken off with the high water and that is fun, fun fishing.

I was there for 14 hours, until I found out we had an open spot in Lewistown.

Beer's on me next time you're in Missoula Nemont.
Did I just read some guy ranting about the pretentiousness of other fly fisherman while summoning images of bamboo rods and collections of flies there no way "they" have heard of. its like Jose complaining that the guy who dares pull up in a Porsche next to his Mercedes is an arrogant prickly.

Buzz, you make this place better in a very Clint Eastwood "get off my lawn" type of way.
I was there for 14 hours, until I found out we had an open spot in Lewistown.

Beer's on me next time you're in Missoula Nemont.

I only go to Missoula to check on my daughter in pharmacy school to make sure the inmates at the University of Rape U. Have not assaulted her.

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I only go to Missoula to check on my daughter in pharmacy school to make sure the inmates at the University of Rape U. Have not assaulted her.


Jesus man, when'd I kick your puppy?

No wonder our crew got four weeks worth of work done in eight days up there. Hospitality like no other.
I guess we have to face the facts nemont. living here is near damnation for sure.. Don't worry guys nothing here to see,, its better where you are for sure and we are jelous
Ya damnation is about the right word, I sure have a hard time. Certainly isnt much to see here gotta agree with howler ;) I just tell em to move along sir. haha

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