Ghillie suit = New Bow


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2016
So lately I've been hunting whitetails solely from the ground. There just isn't all that many good trees for a stand in the areas I'm hunting, which is mainly cattails and crp type cover. I decided the other day to break out a ghillie suit that I had bought years ago, to do some practice with the bow and see if I'll be able to stand wearing it while hunting. The camo does look amazing and seems like it would really help to break up my outline!
I throw on the ghillie and grab my bow, the ol trusty switchback that I had previously written about in another post...Before even shooting I notice that I need to do some trimming on the arm and chest area for the string to be able to clear the suit. I grab the scissors, trim a bunch and we're (the dogs and I) now ready to head outside to fling some arrows.
I get into position about 40yds out from the block target, clip my release onto my string and then notice the dogs are out in front of me, having themselves a squirrel hunt. Dogs get called over and seated behind me. I draw back for the first shot, paying EXTREMELY close attention to my arm in relation to the bow string. String clears the ghillie just fine, time to settle the pin and let er fly!...THWACK!!!!!! Loudest report I've ever heard from a bow and my string blown to $**t! I stand there, absolutely dumbfounded, trying to figure out the the hell just happened...It took me a good ten seconds or so before I finally realized....All of my arrows are still in the quiver.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
I bring the bow into scheels to have them look it over and see what there is for damage, other then the string. Limbs and cams look fine so that's good news! Bad news is that it's an estimated week before I get a new string. Since I'm still in the process of trying to wrap my tag around a buck, I decided that a week is just too long to wait on my bow. I walk out of scheels carrying the new mathews lift. I do have new strings/cables on the way for the switchback and look forward to shooting it alongside the new bow.
So now if any of you fellas get a new bow for Christmas. Or a ghillie suit! ..Let my loss be your gain. Just can't go wrong taking a little extra time to slow down, think things through, and make sure to nock an arrow!!! Haha

Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!
Had a friend do that one year. Another friend made fun of him badly for about a year, then did it himself.

It wasn’t so funny when he did it…..on his three day old bow. Lol
You aren't the first to do that and certainly will not be the last. Even if you do everything right, the nock might blow and its still a dry fire. We looked for my friend's arrow at the indoor range for quite a while before he figured out he had never loaded one. I dry fired my Hoyt once and it survived but Jesus does that scare you. Glad you didn't get hurt. Enjoy your new bow.
Had a friend do that one year. Another friend made fun of him badly for about a year, then did it himself.

It wasn’t so funny when he did it…..on his three day old bow. Lol
Haha I bet the guy that was getting a hard time got a good laugh! Always fun to bust a buddy's balls for something dumb until it happens to you!
You aren't the first to do that and certainly will not be the last. Even if you do everything right, the nock might blow and its still a dry fire. We looked for my friend's arrow at the indoor range for quite a while before he figured out he had never loaded one. I dry fired my Hoyt once and it survived but Jesus does that scare you. Glad you didn't get hurt. Enjoy your new bow.
A few days before this incident, I was discussing bows with my dad and I had mentioned to him how Hoyt dry fire tests their bows. We both agreed that it is an impressive test! I then proceeded to joke about the test, like how does anyone dry fire their bow?! ....And then I do it two days later. Haha can't help but laugh about it now.
A few days before this incident, I was discussing bows with my dad and I had mentioned to him how Hoyt dry fire tests their bows. We both agreed that it is an impressive test! I then proceeded to joke about the test, like how does anyone dry fire their bow?! ....And then I do it two days later. Haha can't help but laugh about it now.
Never shot or owned a hoyt. My cousin had a brand new one last year. He gets new bows every season. He did tell me his 1st one had a small fracture on limbs. Guess dry fire testing explains how that happened. Only time I ever dry fired was 1st time using a release. However did get to see a guy blow up his new mathews last year. Tried to pull back and test peep height and touched it off. Man was wild seeing it blow apart.
Caribou Gear

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