GOHUNT - Filter and find hunts like never before

Gettin started


New member
Jan 15, 2001
Hey All,
I been goin over some e-mail and one of the things I get the most is people asking how to get started with hounds along with the fact I would love to do it but dont have the room..
Well I was lucky my grandfather had hounds and we have always lived in the country so I have always had the room and access to dogs.But for those of you who just want to hear the music or watch a good race but dont have alot of room your overlooking Some great little hounds that dont take up Much room and are alot of fun ....the BEAGLE when my kids were real young I got into these little hounds so the Kids could watch a race and we didnt have to run all over hells half acre. they have the Heart and grit of the big dogs Just ya dont run dangerous game.and they dont taker up near the room. My first beagle was a house dog. I sent Bcat a pic with a Jackrabbit That my wife and Daughter got while hunting over some of the beagles. hopefully he will post it.

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
They are alot of fun. I got into it so My kids and wife could experience the Hound song.they are great little dogs but they are addicting.I went from 3 to 15 in no time at all.The desert just wasnt very good to run in ya had to wait till ya had Perfect conditions or the runnin was hit and miss. Now that im back in WY you can bet with in the yr there will be a couple of these little guys added to the kennel.

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
Wolfer, You aint a kidd'n when you say them little fellars are fun. I think rabbit hunting is a great way to start kids. You are also right about the space they take up. Plus they are the friendliest things in the world. They will jump through hoops to please you and they will hunt right along side of you not like a rangey hound.

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