Yeti GOBOX Collection

Get the Cattle Out, Bring on the Bison

you are correct Lost, but there are some guy`s who have openly stated that on some issue`s their is NO compromise, NO middle ground,
yea, not much fun nor informative when there O chance of getting that sort of person to even admit there is more than just their way.
cjcj, find some proof of any other plan that will keep the anadromous fish off the list...I'll gladly compromise.

The problem is nearly 2 billion dollars and fish experts from 4 states and numerous federal agencies cant find a compromise that will work...other than breaching.

What middle ground is there to discuss?
i guess they need to pull me out of retirement to facilitate the process, i`m alway optimistic that at least some improvement can be attained no matter what the issue is. and it doesn`t matter that i have any knowledge of the issue at hand, that`s why they have a referee at a boxing match [poor example]but i feel if two sides can get together it [middle ground can ALWAY`S be found. some just take longer than others.
by the way a member named t-bone said he`s catching 15-30 lb. salmon at the [feather]? and there are so many that their stacked up like cordwood. also could you explain why i am able to buy so many wild salmon in the store? feel free to educate me.
cjcj, You're probably buying farmed salmon that has been dyed pink.

"CINCINNATI - Two of the largest grocery chains in the U.S. have agreed to place labels on their farm-raised salmon indicating the fish was artificially coloured pink.
Albertsons and Kroger still face lawsuits accusing them of deceiving the public.
MARKETPLACE: Farm Raised Salmon
Smith & Lowney, a Seattle law firm, filed three class action suits against Kroger, Safeway and Albertsons.
The flesh of farmed salmon is naturally grey and salmon are given special feed to alter their hue. This is also done in Canada.

As for educating you: You have access to the internet. Try educating yourself. I'll even make it easy for ya. Start here:

When you get done with all 31 pages of links you'll have about 1% of Buzz's anadromous fish knowledge,
but you'll know a million times more than you do now. Paul and a few others oughta read up, too, before they ever comment on salmon issues again.

Just figured I'd stop by and see how yer all doin'!
Keep up the good work. I notice Paul, Ten Bears, michael, md4m and a few others sure aren't contributing much.
Buzz== this is progress.
progession of the white christians.
what? you want to turn back the clock and say the christians were wrong? holycrap.
what's next? give indians their lands and culture back?
I have more street smart`s than you [Ithaca] and buzz combined, reason is I LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD! [NOT COMPUTER GEEKLAND]
cjcj, with all those street'd think you'd be smart enough to stop illegal immigration...apparently those "street smarts" arent panning out for you real well, are they? A brainiac like you should come up with a solution and have the "street smarts" to influence the right people?

I connect myself with worthwhile issues where my influence as an individual or my influence as part of an organization have some real clout in issues such as anadromous fish. Thats the reality of how issues are solved. You and your street smarts dont have even a small amount of influence on issues such as the one we've been discussing, and rightfully so.

I'd think anyone with so called "street smarts" would be able to understand simple things about anadromous fish like: The endangered species act, what a threatened species is, the PATH report, the articles Ithaca provided, etc. etc. etc. But, those things seem to be out of grasp of your "street smarts."

You need to jump into the new modern world, Junior.

Sorry if I've disappointed you by not posting more.

This is a really busy time right now. Work, play, camping, ect. ect.
I promise to post more this fall.
well buzzy i have to inform you that i am involved in doing just that [fighting illegal immigration] we are in the process of recalling some political whore`s who cater to the illegal`s and also since our lesbo governor has vetoed a bill that would stop illegal`s from voting, i am helping to get on our next ballot an initiative that would [if passed by voter`s] that requires proof of citizenship for welfare, food stamp`s, medical,[all now free for illegal`s] and also proof to vote and as far as i`m concerned these issue`s are a bigger threat to the americam way of life than anything you have ever dreamed of. if you would put out your fish saveing effort`s toward the BIG PICTURE you would do a lot more toward saving this country , overpopulation is more of a threat to your fish and forest`s then anything, but since you are so shallow i`m sure you can`t see it. and i`ll take a street wise guy over a compu- geek anyday.
cj (junior), I'm sure your having great influence on stopping those illegals.

Your blazing intelligence and grace in dealing with the influential people is really overwhelming in particular this statement: "recalling some political whore`s who cater to the illegal`s and also since our lesbo governor"

Yep, I'm sure you're advice and numerous good ideas are taken
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> overpopulation is more of a threat to your fish and forest`s then anything <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Now that I can agree with. Not only do we need to slow immigration, I think we need a BIG education campaign on the consequences of having more than two children. Some people are having litters instead of families.
MOOOOOving back to the bison....Here are things I know (or think I know) about bison:

1) They are generally easier to manage than cattle (thanks Buzz)

2) Bison is healthier food-wise than beef

3) There is an overpopulation of bison in Yellowstone, which are often being slaughtered as a result

4) There are grazing allotments just outside of Yellowstone, but the bison can't use them because of cattle

Given all these things, it seems logical in my ignorance to ditch cattle altogether and let the ranchers ranch bison instead. Why not declare the grazing allotments in question off-limits to cattle, but GIVE the surplus bison to the ranchers for use in creating their own herd o' buffalers? The only big issue I see is convincing the public to eat more bison, but if prices & PR were used to make it attractive I doubt anyone would complain too much.

By doing that you a) take care of the "welfare ranchers," b) take care of the grazing allotments and c) take care of the concentrated bison herds.

Hunting wouldn't happen in that scenario, which sucks a little. But, this organization pushing the cattle-kicking openly states that their goal is to stop the bison slaughter anyway. Other than that, what information am I missing?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-11-2003 10:14: Message edited by: dgibson ]</font>
IT- I don't think society in UT is ready (or ever will be) for that type of progressive thinking!!! Between 1990 and 2000 this state grew by 33%!!! That's as fast as some third world countries!! However, I'm at fault as the locals tell me its all the move-ins!
However, I do let my feelings known on the subject and have been crucified...yet.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-11-2003 15:08: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
Well, I guess my idea is so brilliant that you have all run to your phones and typewriters to call your legislators and write up emergency legislation to make it happen.
Like I said, they don't call me Threadkiller for nothing. *sigh*
you might be on to something Dgibson i just had a buffalo burger last week it was outstanding,kinda taste like good ground sirlion, now this was at a little place in kanab utah right next to a Mcdonald`s but the Mcdonald`s had more customer`s so with a slick add campaign and competitive pricing maybee it could go.
as for overpopulation the first step should be everyone demand from congress that ALL immigration be stopped cold,then whe could address our own recomended birth control method`s! a good start would be NO tax deduction`s for kid`s, as for the situation in utah it has been my STREET OBSERVASION that latino`s have twice as many kid`s as mormon`s plus i like mormon`s [good people]