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Get Involved - USFS Comment Period for Jackson Mtn Trail Plan


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2016
If you're not familiar with this project, basically what has happened is that the USFS ignored a whole bunch of illegal trail building and is now set to formally adopt the illegal trails with no regard for wildlife habitat (winter range, migration, production areas, etc). If this project goes forward in this habitat, it will set the precedent that illegal trails are fine and will be approved later, wildlife be damned.

Please read the CPW letter (attached) and make your own comments to this project.

Learn about the project here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=61809
Comment here: https://cara.fs2c.usda.gov/Public//CommentInput?Project=61809


  • CPW Comment Letter - Jackson Mountain Project - 20230221.pdf
    703.5 KB · Views: 5
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Tomorrow is comment deadline!

Plaigarize at will.

Rubber stamping illegal trails developed by rulebreaking riders is an unconscionable precedent. Do not make this error. Draft actual plans using planners you employ and planning tech you have access to. Illegal trails cut by unauthorized cyclists disregard wildlife, hikers, equestrians, traffic, rights of way for trail users, impacts to vegetation, erosion, and more. I oppose trail development on the north, south and west aspects of Jackson Mountain for all the reasons listed here.

Planners have not addressed CPW's expressed concerns. Why did your planners ignore alternative sites with less impacts to wildlife? Declining big game herds in the area do not need more trail pressure. Removing understory per your mastication plan robs wildlife of refuge habitat. USFS knows it cannot enforce well with existing staffing. A gate and sign does not equal effective seasonal closure during environmentally sensitive seasons including fawn and calf birthing/rearing. Your planners have seen CPW's Colorado’s Guide to Planning Trails with Wildlife in Mind, yet none of that is reflected in your plan. Where in this plan is the refuge habitat for wildlife that get displaced by trail users?

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