
Next Update from Germany. :D

At satudray we had a fishing match in our club.
We have fished for 3 hours in a small lake.
I have made the 2nd place with 3 carp, a grass carp, 2 good bream, some roach, rudd and small perch.
IMG_20170603_194053 (2).jpgIMG-20170603-WA0001 (3).jpg

Tonight a fellow hunter called, he have shot a buck. And would spend a beer... or 2... or... :cool:
So i get on the bike and go. It is almost in the neighborhood. Approx. 10 min by bike.
When I arrived there were already a few hunters.
And the buck... an absolut stunning atypical, 4-5 year old buck. Nobody have ever seen this buck before.
The second buck is a roadkill. A typical 6 pointer about 2 years of age.

We had a few beers and also schnaps.
A funny evening with a lot of singing talking and fun. :D
Thank you for sharing the pictures and stories. You're 1/2 a world away, but doing many of the same stuff we do here. Please keep sharing the stories and pictures as I like seeing how it's done there.
This is a great thread! German hunting traditions and the regulation of hunting & fishing are very interesting. I love German firearms & the history of the gun trade as well. Please keep the pics & stories coming!
Hi Guys

Time for next update.
In the last weeks, not much happened.
In our area some fellow hunters have shot 3 bucks.
2 Spikers and one special. When I first saw him I thought that he looks like a Whitetail. Because of the shape of the antlers which is very unusual for a roebuck.

Fishing is very difficult at the moment.
Because the verry sunny and unusually hot waeter for this time of the year.
Many lakes and some rivers have a problem with too less oxygen.
The only thing that is promising in the moment is nightfishing for eel in small streams and rivers.
This 3 I have caught in a only 10 ft wide dig. The big one is about 3 pound.
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That last pic is about enough to give me the willies! Congrats and thanks for sharing the pictures.
That last pic is about enough to give me the willies! Congrats and thanks for sharing the pictures.

I know that many people in US, don´t like eels.
But here, especially in Germany, fishing for eel is verry popular.

Smoked, they are an expensive delicacy!
A traditional food for special occasions!

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Definitely a lack of exposure thin with me and eels. I'd gladly fish for them and eat them. Just very different than what I'm used to fishing for.
Hello everybody.
Time for the next update.

In the last few days a few bucks have been shot in our area.
Mostly young ones. But the rut beginns and the activity increases.
One of the last bucks was a really old and big 6 pointer.

Yesterday we were in the kindergarten for some education. To tell the kids something about environmental protection, animals and hunting. We had a trailer with mounted animals, a dog work demonstration with the german shorthaired pointer of a friend, and my ferrets were there too. Man... that was fun!

I can´t wait for 1. of August. Then starts the season for geese and crows. At the moment I see hundreds of geese flying to the stubble fields every morning and evening. Right behind my house!
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Great outreach program!!

I also get a chuckle out of the proper location for the use of the word kindergarten! We use that word here for the same thing, but I think where/when you use it, it's more appropriate. :D

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