Gentlemanly small games men’s Friday at the theatre tunes.

My last class in college was a theatre class. It was a 100 level class and I was a 5th, maybe 6th year senior! 😂 the first day of class I’m sitting in the back looking at the ol Nokia cell phone, seeing what time it was cause the 5 minute rule was about to be in effect. Finally a guy stands up in the middle of the packed auditorium and starts making his way to the door. I follow him to the door and as he’s about to push open the door to leave he turns around and now there’s a crowd behind me. The guy at the door says “I’m just f’n with you guys, I’m the teacher.” As part of the class we had to go to 3 plays/musicals that would be performed at campus and than write a 1 page paper about it, plus with a group of 5 or 6 we had to do a 15 minute skit from a play that we could select but the teacher approved as our final test. The only play I remember that I went to was The Rocky picture horror show. For our final our group of 5 guys from the back row went to get the skit approved and the teacher said “No, I have your scripts for you and I’m going to be in your play with you.” It was GlennGary Glenn Ross. So we read our scripts and every other line was a swear word.

My first foray into musical theater I was a Russian soldier in Fiddler. (I was hot for the choreographer).
I understudied Motel the Tailor. Got my chance on the Saturday matinee.

I don't even remember that choreographer's name now, but I wish I could still move like when I was in my 20's

RIP Topol September 1935 - March 2023

I got to see Fiddler in London with Topol as Tevye. This 10 year old boys favorite number that night was his retelling of his ”dream” to his wife. All to get her to agree to let Tzeital marry Motel for love and not the arranged marriage to Lazar Wolf the butcher. Fruma Sara, the ghost of Lazar’s first wife was amazing moving around the stage, 10 feet tall in a flowing gown maniacally screaming and singing.

Show stopper!

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