Kenetrek Boots

Gender roles polls

Grizzly bear, active shooter. Who do you want by your side?

  • Huntingwife, Europe, Randi or virtually any other female forum members.

    Votes: 33 94.3%
  • DouglasR

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2019
East central, Il
So while I was working on my bulleted list about gender bias yesterday I started thinking about if a man and woman were being charged by a grizzly or in an active shooter situation it is my belief that our society would expect the man to step in front of the bear or shooter to save the woman.
And how if the man abandoned the woman he would be viewed as a coward, but if the woman ran it would be expected and accepted.

And then I started thinking about my time afield, and knowledge of firearms vs huntingwife, Randi and Europe and I just can’t decide if that’s the best example of gender roles or bias and what not and I was wondering if you girls and guys could help me

So the question is:
If you were being charged by a grizzly bear or in an active shooter situation who would you rather have by your side?
Douglasr, Huntingwife, Europe, Randi or virtually any other female forum members.

1. Absolutely no roasting of the op in the comment section.
2. Absolutely no derailments or jokes.
3. @Hunting Wife @Randi
Women are awesome and idk if this is ok to say, but yeah, you ladies do probably have it harder than men for a lot of different reasons.
I was just triggered white guy yesterday and I’m sorry.
wishing you ladies a fine weekend.
sorry if this isn’t funny to you.
we’ll let the poll results speak for themselves.
4. I’m done here and this is really the last crazy post I’ll make for awhile. 6 or so more hrs to rec time 🤞

happy Friday!
Option A all the way every day. Reasons for my decision?
1. Anti-roasting OP rule indicates cowardice. Cowards can probably run faster than I can and probably have the keys to the truck.
2. The ice water flowing through the veins of@Hunting Wife and @Panda Bear give me full confidence the bear will be piled up mid charge with a bullet between the eyes.
3. @Europe is so classy and feisty that regardless of whether she can shoot or not (my bet is on “can shoot) I would expect the bear to slink off after looking her in the eyes. Immediately upon noticing the charge, I would be searching the internet for the appropriate song to play at her request after she dealt with the bear.
4. I don’t have complete impressions of @Randi or @MTelkHuntress’s accuracy but based on the actual observations of my wife and daughters in the field, I wouldn’t lose sleep over either one of them protecting me from a grizzly.
Grizzly Bear: Europe, because I'm pretty sure she knows her way around a double rifle and has been to Africa where things get close and personal. And because she would have good wine in camp after.

Active Shooter: Hunting Wife because she implied she has a Sig 220 (or at least looked at one). If she made that choice, probably pretty serious about shooting handguns.
Hmmmm.... is the grizzly going to get punched in the face??

chances are my vasovagal response would kick in and I’d be out before I got the chance to hit him with one of my precision windmill rights.
But that might not be a bad thing 🤔
Aren’t you supposed to play dead?
Everyone will think I jumped on the sword.
Panda knows her way around bears. Huntingwife and Europe have plenty of experience hunting. This is a no brainer. The only question I have is; what is the best way to cook griz?

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