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Gem State Results.


New member
Jun 14, 2003
Moosie, thank you for all your help this weekend with checking in the coyotes. It was a pleasure to finally meet you.

Here is a link to results page. It was tough calling and it could have been anyone’s game. We are already looking forward to next year.

State Champs.
Dude, the pleasure was Mine. Good to se so many driving so far forthe even... Nextyear I'mm be in it so the Dog #'s will be up :D :D

I see Young buck took the win....... His head has grown since Sunday too I'm sure :p
Cool, the more the merrier! Maybe you could do something about the wind next year too? LOL I can’t believe that I forgot about all the t-shirts, hats, and the blanket :eek: Thanks for all your support.
Pretty sweet. I never heard about the event or I might of pulled some buds together and have a go at it. Next year, watch out.
Sorry guys, that was my fault, Sly is the one who dose the talking and didn’t have much time for computer stuff. Next year will be bigger and better. The Club is really taking off. We have a group of guys in the Boise area that are excited and motivated to keep this ball rolling. We have had our struggles getting out of the hole but things are looking up.
It was an awesome time and to meet everyone face to face it was a treat. The GSPHA is going to be a growing org.. The focus of youth and education to communities is outstanding.
In that short time, there was some strong friendships made. It was cool to hear everyone stories from their hunts. I will say those dogs in Idaho wasn't like the ones here in Illinois. I have never had any hard charge like that before, WOW!
The conditions were tough-wind(alot of it) and snow. But, I did get my 1st western coyote. Man, I was jacked when the bullet hit. All in all I did and I think everyone else had a great time.
BTW: It was nice meeting you, Moosie and Chris.
God Bless,

Song Dog
Song Dog, Good meetingyou too, glad you got a reward for traveling so far.... You coming again next year :)
I sure hope so. Kinda iffy. We will be having an addition to the house hold in July. But if you ask our 4 yr old, Rhett. He will say he can handle it.
Actually I would love to show up again.

God Bless,

Song Dog
Wish I would of known about it, i would of came up and shot a few dogs, just a few though, cuz thats all that's needed for first place :)
Hey SongDog im sure next year we could probably round up some extra $$ to fly your butt down here....that way you have no excuses....mabye you should bring the family!? Great meeting you