
Geez everyone is dying


New member
Jan 22, 2003
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]1st my wife's uncle in Ray ,Colorado dies.... now this[/FONT]
My wife's cousin..

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]MORGAN COUNTY - The Colorado State Patrol says a mother was killed and her daughter injured when a truck rolled off the interstate.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]According to the CSP, 45-year-old Erika Krening was driving west on Interstate 76, about four miles east of Wiggins, when she started to drift off the road. According to troopers, Krening overcorrected, the truck veered across both lanes, rotated and then went off the right side of the road, rolling once. Krening was ejected. The truck, a GMC Sierra, landed on a frontage road going parallel to the interstate. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]The Morgan County Coroner pronounced Krening dead at the scene. Krening's 11-year-old daughter, Bailey, was in the truck. She was taken to Colorado Plains Medical Center in Fort Morgan for treatment of minor injuries. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Alcohol, drugs and speed are not believed to have contributed to the crash.[/FONT]

We also lost a member of my sons wedding party in Hawaii last Month, I just met the guy... a multi- millionaire named Frank Hamilton.[ wonderd why he was always buying the drinks].. 3 days after the wedding ,Frank is snorkeling...30 sec. in the water he dies of a massive heart attack... he was 64 and in good shape... I told him I would visit him up in Tahoe some day... didn't think it would be the next week at his funeral....

My parents are both almost 83... I have been to at least 10 funerals this year...No sympathy is needed for me :confused:

But this rash of deaths is out of hand... ... I guess as we get older....thats life....anyone else?
November 6 I got a phone call at 6am saying Ron Hadley died, he was a friend, 74 years old. That afternoon, my best friends wife called and said my buddies mom died. I called John the parttimer at the store, to see if he could work on Friday. When he answered he said he was at the hospital, they took his Pop in an emergency. He called Thursday night, and said his Pop died. I can't afford to many more funeral floral arrangements.
I can't afford to many more funeral floral arrangements.

Be glad you aren't paying for the funeral expenses. My wife has just about lost her battle with cancer at the age of 38. I dropped over a grand on suits & accessories for my son & I, $500 on cemetary plot, going to meet with the funeral home in the next couple of days to get that set up. Canceled my elk hunt to Colorado, hopefully get the license fee back and canceled my son's elk hunt in Utah, no refund. And at the end of the day, the money don't make a damn bit of difference, I am still going to lose my wife.
Jabber- I know there's nothing I could post to make it better, but you are in my thoughts. Not quite the same, but we're dealing with a very similar situation here with my dad... Let me know if there's anything I could do to help.
Jabber, sorry to hear what is going on in your life. Hang in there bro:(

I am speechless, don't know what to say. I attended a funeral almost exactly a year ago for a HS buddy's wife who had the same thing. It just seems wrong when you see it happen within your own generation.

My thoughts are with you.
jabber, sincereest condolences on your loss. not much can be said to make you feel better. you will be in my prayers.
Jabber- My thoughts are with you as well. Sucks to go through is an understatement at best...Christmas around the corner is alwasy a tough one for us- my wife lost her brother xmas eve to a freak heart thing (he was the strongest, most in-shape member of her family) and less than two months later she lost her sister (at 39 from ovarian cancer) and I lost my father two week later. To say we don't look forward to this time of year is a git of a given....

That is terrilble news.

Wish I knew of words that could properly convey my feelings for you and your family.

All I can do is pray that you find comfort in the thoughts and prayers of your family and friends.

My deepest sympathy.
Wow, that is so very sad Jabber... When I posted this thread My thinking was how can so many people be dying around me? and the truth is most of them are friends and secondary relatives....from an "emotional" standpoint it is not as traumatic as a Wife or brother/sister....I can't even imagine what you are going thru....I would be fugged up without my wife around...stay stay strong the kids help you... sorry for your situation
:( I'm very sorry to hear of you guys losses...

I'll say a little prayer for you and your families... :(
I would like to thank everybody for their support. I really didn't mean to hijack the thread. Like I said, we have known this for a few weeks now and and are coping with it, I guess is the best way to say it. I try to keep my son as busy as possible, especially on weekends, football and now basketball at school help out during the week, and we have been doing a little hunting and shooting during the weekends and that seems to help him although I have noticed his grades have dropped some, not sure if it is because classes are harder as he says or his mind just isn't really 100% there.

Thanks again.
Thoughts and prayers jabber. I am truly saddened by your travails. Stay strong brother.
Hang in there, Jabber. I really don't know what to say other than I hope and pray that you and your son will be ok. Take good care and keep your chin up!