Gas Boom Article


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Nov 15, 2004
"Land of Giant Rams"
Natural gas development raises rural lifestyle concerns
By JUDITH KOHLER Associated Press

An oil pump is shown in a Frederick, Colo., neighborhood recently. Companies searching for natural gas are snapping up land around the Rocky Mountain West, either through old oil shale claims or through federal auctions.

Editor's note: This is the second part of a three-week series about the natural gas boom in the West. Last week, we looked at the “clash of cultures” the boom has created. Today, we examine the boom's effects on the rural way of live and social services. Part three will look at the drilling frenzy in Canada.

RIFLE, Colo. - Ask cattle ranchers Dan and Cheryl Johnson how much money they make an hour and they will tell you it's a pittance. Ask them to put a value on their life along winding Piceance Creek in western Colorado and they answer simply - priceless.

These days, the Johnsons are worried their operation will end up worthless. Energy companies hunting for natural gas are snapping up land all around them, either through old oil shale claims or through federal auctions. Some now have claims on minerals under the same land the Johnsons lease for grazing their cattle in the pasture-dotted hills northwest of Rifle. Roads are being built and plans are in the works for new wells.

Dan Johnson fears that if the companies drill in the narrow gulches around his property - the conduits for moving cattle from pasture to pasture - he'll lose precious grazing land and be out of business. He and his wife, both in their late 40s, can feel their dream of passing their business to their two daughters slipping away.

“Cattle prices are way below the rest of the economy,” Johnson said. “Equipment prices keep going higher, the fuel prices keeping going higher.

“And now we have this other burden tacked on top of it,” he said.

The energy boom that has dominated much of the Rocky Mountain West for the past several years has been a mixed blessing. It has brought millions to tiny counties happy to have the money, but the rapid development has become a top concern for retirees, those in a fledgling tourism-based economy and professionals whose relocations to once-quiet towns have helped make the West one of the nation's fastest-growing regions.

“That growth has not been built around growth in the natural resource industry,” said Thomas Power, professor and head of the University of Montana's economics department. He said Westerners need to weigh what they're willing to sacrifice for “a very temporary expansion in the economy.”

Mineral development - oil and gas, coal, gold, silver and uranium mining - for decades has provided the West with high-paying jobs and great infusions of wealth. It's also been followed by busts that states have worked hard to offset by diversifying their economies. Hunters and anglers - worried that drilling, truck traffic and erosion from well sites are already harming antelope, deer and other animals - are teaming up with environmentalists to lobby for habitat protection.

They are among many residents who say natural resources - their beauty and their preservation - now play a huge role in the region's economic health.

“The gold in them thar hills is coming in the pockets of people retiring here for the quality of life,” said Dave Kearsley, an investment adviser and attorney who moved from Massachusetts to Grand Junction for that very thing.

Not everyone sees it that way.

Monty Newman, the mayor of Hobbs, N.M., called oil and gas “our major lifeblood.” His town in southeastern New Mexico is a thriving service center for the industry.

Energy development can coexist with protecting the environment and the so-called rural way of life, he said.

“I know it takes a lot of natural resources in order to make this country run and provide incomes so people can retire,” Newman said.

The surging development of the Rockies' vast natural gas reserves, stoked by high prices and the push for more domestic production, is filling cash registers at motels, stores and restaurants throughout the region. Wyoming and New Mexico have piled up hundreds of millions of dollars in surplus, thanks to taxes from oil and gas development.

Western Colorado's Garfield County, site of one of the country's busiest offices for federal oil and gas permits, said a full 17 percent of all revenues - nearly $8.5 million - came from oil and gas production last year.

There's plenty more where that came from, industry officials say. While production is declining in older fields including the Gulf Coast, they say the Rockies promise many years of reliable gas and companies are investing in the pipelines and processing plants. EnCana Oil and Gas USA is building a gas processing plant in western Colorado that will be able to process 650 million cubic feet of gas daily.

“I don't see a bust in this decade and probably the next two decades,” said Joe Jaggers, vice president of exploration and production in the Denver office of Oklahoma-based Williams Cos., one of the largest producers in the region.

Williams recently received approval to boost the number of wells it can drill in a 20,000-acre section of western Colorado, including the gas-rich Piceance Basin.

In the middle of the gas rush are people like Beverly and Sam Sharp, who live in Pinedale, Wyo. The retired Southern California school teachers were lured there six years ago by the small-town atmosphere, nearby fishing streams and breathtaking views of the Wind River mountain range from their blufftop house.

Pinedale has changed. The Bureau of Land Management is considering a plan that would allow energy companies to drill 3,100 wells in the Jonah gas field a short drive outside town - a project expected to produce nearly 8 trillion cubic feet of gas, enough to heat 96 million homes for a year and generate approximately $6.1 billion in royalties for the state and federal governments.

The project, however, is also expected to boost air pollution in the area not far from wilderness and both Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. The BLM also said the project would affect antelope in the area, even though energy companies have pledged millions for mitigation work.

The average cost of an apartment in Pinedale has skyrocketed nearly 81 percent since 1998, with the average monthly cost reaching $699 last year, according to Sublette County figures. The Sharps already see more haze in the air around them.

“It's not to the point for me that I'm going to say I'm going to move somewhere else, because we love it here,” said Sam Sharp, a Wyoming native. But he said he can understand why others might think twice.

Industry officials say they are striving to minimize the impact of development through new technology including smaller drilling rigs, quieter equipment, buildings designed to blend with the surroundings and techniques that reduce surface disturbance.

Canadian-based EnCana Corp., one of North America's largest independent oil and gas companies, is studying how drilling might affect wildlife on a 45,000-acre ranch it owns in western Colorado. The site is home to deer, elk and raptors including peregrine falcons and golden eagles. The work includes speedier reclamation of well sites, cutting-edge drilling techniques and piping water to reduce the need for truck traffic.

Ashley Korenblat, owner of Western Spirit Cycling in the outdoors hotspot of Moab, Utah, remains wary of the pace and location of gas drilling.

“People are not going to pay me $1,000 to go biking around a bunch of wells,” said Korenblat, who has 30 employees. “We're not making any more wilderness. We know we're going to run out of oil and gas, so do we really need to shred every nook and cranny of backcountry to find the very last drop?”
Another sky is falling, gloom and doom article concerning the Wyoming gas boom:

Energy economy puts strain on social services
By BOB MOEN Associated Press

ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo. - The day-care center at the YWCA is full of children these days and has a list of more than 60 children waiting to get in. At the same time, the number of people using the YWCA's safehouse for domestic violence and sexual assault victims has risen 59 percent over a year's time.

The YWCA of Sweetwater County and other social service organizations are seeing the effects - good and bad - of Wyoming's booming energy industry.

The energized oil, gas and mining industry has meant plentiful and well paying jobs, a bustling economy and a state - known more for its above-ground natural resources such as Yellowstone National Park and Devil's Tower National Monument - awash in revenue to the tune of a

$1.8 billion budget surplus.

Conversely, it has resulted in jobs outside the energy industry becoming hard to fill, more crime and more demands on the already thin health care and social services systems. It's a scenario playing out elsewhere in Wyoming and the West where there is heavy energy development.

So far government agencies, police departments and social service organizations are handling most of the basic social needs and problems associated with the boom. Sweetwater County is just one of eight counties in Wyoming experiencing large-scale energy development.

Rock Springs, a city built among high desert bluffs and hills of mineral rich southwest Wyoming, has managed to maintain its small-town, can-do attitude in dealing with being transformed from a hardscrabble mining community into a vibrant center of oil and gas activity.

But local officials and social service agencies say they are struggling to keep up with a growing workload at a time when they are losing employees to higher paying oil and gas jobs.

“This is the promised land now, but we don't have the housing and we don't have the resources,” Rock Springs Police Chief Mike Lowell said during a recent meeting of local police chiefs in Cruel Jacks Restaurant.

To help the counties most affected by the energy boom, Gov. Dave Freudenthal has proposed setting aside $100 million in grant money for infrastructure improvements. And state lawmakers are considering legislation that would increase access to mental health services and subsidize day-care.

Sitting on some of the richest natural gas deposits in the world, Wyoming is a hotbed of exploration, drilling and pipeline building. And all indications are that this is just the beginning. BP America Inc. plans to invest more than

$2.2 billion over 15 years drilling natural gas wells in south-central Wyoming.

“It brings a lot of new business and progress,” lifelong Rock Springs resident Betty Petersen, a volunteer at a church-supported thrift store in the oldest block of downtown Rock Springs, said. “But it brings some bad things.”

There's more demand for help with basic needs such as finding work clothing, food, a place to stay, medical care and child care. There's also more crime.

“Anytime you have quick growth in the economy, it brings with it a variety of social problems - drug use, alcohol abuse, child abuse,” said Rodger McDaniel, director of the Wyoming Department of Family Services.

The Food Bank of Sweetwater County provided food assistance to 143 households of oil and gas workers over a one-year period in 2004 and 2005 - up from 72 the previous year. Crisis calls to the YWCA in Rock Springs increased from 1,511 from July to December in 2004 to 2,351 during the same six-month period in 2005.

The number of crimes in Sweetwater County increased 11 percent between 2002 and 2004.

“These people work hard and play hard,” said Sweetwater County Sheriff David Gray.

Settled in the 1860s around a trading post, Rock Springs evolved into a livestock shipping point and mining town in Sweetwater County, a vast expanse that's larger than New Jersey and Delaware combined. Now, Rock Springs, the largest of six incorporated communities within Sweetwater County with about 19,000 residents, is the center of a large natural gas development in southwestern Wyoming.

Sweetwater County produced enough gas in 2004 to heat nearly all households in Chicago for a year. There is so much activity oil and gas companies are forced to bring in crews from out of state to man the rigs and work the fields, according to Bruce Hinchey, president of the Petroleum Association of Wyoming.

No one knows for sure how many workers have come from out of state, but the small Sweetwater County community of Wamsutter has seen its population grow from 247 people to about 1,200 in two years.

Amanda Rosenberg, executive director of United Way of Sweetwater County, said the greatest need occurs in the first two weeks between when someone starts a job and receives their first paycheck.

“It's a very tight time for them,” Rosenberg said. “We even had agencies help individuals find a pair of steel-toed boots so they can go to work.”

With plentiful jobs, the number of people needing long-term food stamps assistance has dropped, according to Pauline Carpenter, who supervisors food stamps, cash assistance and other benefits for the state Department of Family Services office in Rock Springs.

However, Carpenter said there is greater demand for medical assistance because company-supplied health care doesn't start right away for new workers.

The medical care that is available is “stressed quite to the max” in Wyoming, a rural state where it's always a challenge to recruit health care professionals and provide medical care to far-flung oil and gas fields, said Dr. Brent Sherard, director of the state Health Department.

“I think the energy boom has and will create more problems with access to health care,” Sherard said.

Another major problem is the lack of child care, especially for parents working odd hours in oil and gas fields that operate around the clock.

The YWCA isn't meeting the day-care demand because it can't find enough employees, said Christie DeGrendele, executive director. “It's the one area where we can't provide services to those requesting it,” she said.

All social service organizations and local police agencies reported difficulty finding workers because they can't compete against oil and gas jobs that offer $20 an hour or more.

Meantime, the workload is increasing.

“The troopers in this area are just running from call to call to call,” said Capt. Dave Cunningham, state Highway Patrol district supervisor in Rock Springs.

Oil and gas boom effects

In 2004, 2,711 oil and gas wells were drilled and completed in Wyoming, up from 2,388 in 2003. Much of that development is taking place around Rock Springs in Sweetwater County in southwestern Wyoming. Here are some of the effects from the booming industry:

• Wyoming's unemployment rate in December was

3.2 percent - the second lowest in the nation after Hawaii. Sweetwater County had a jobless rate of 2.7 percent.

• The number of crimes in Sweetwater County, population 37,700, increased 11 percent in the just two years, from 2,499 incidents in 2002 to 2,773 in 2004.

• The number of crisis calls received by the YWCA in Rock Springs increased from 1,511 from July to December in 2004 to 2,351 during the same six-month period last year. Both the Rock Springs and Green River YWCAs have waiting lists of children waiting to get into child care.

• The Food Bank of Sweetwater County is helping more households with residents working in the oil and gas fields. The number of such households it helped increased from 72 to 143 over a year; rental assistance has increased from 12 households to 26 households; and medical assistance from four households to 10 households.

• Apartment rental rates in the county increased

19.9 percent between the second quarter of 2004 ($427 a month for a two-bedroom, unfurnished apartment) and the second quarter of 2005 ($512).

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