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Gary Johnson

I listened to it and did not hear drug induced talk much more than MJ legalization . He says he did not use pot while in office,rarely otherwise & and does not drink.
I was suprised at the diversity of topics/guests on Rogans podcast ....not just sex jokes or cagefight talk.
If anything Johnson is more opposite of what most politicians are and at least will listen to different ideas.
He's against government intrusion of our lives pretty much.
He does seem to support 2nd Amendment & hunters rights. All our rights.
I listened to the Gary Johnson/Rogan episode. I thought it was pretty good. I am not a libertarian by any means and think they often over-estimate the reliability of unfettered capitalism to do good. But, even if I acknowledge that Libertarianism comes in a lot of different flavors, most of which are probably anti-public lands, I found that podcast to be refreshing. The guy does not seem to be a crook. He seems to honestly grasp the public service aspect of running for President. If he came out in support of public lands, I would vote for him. His policy positions may result in some suffering in some ways, but an end to the drug war would be a massive net-decrease in suffering in this country.

I sure as chit will not be choosing between our two current choices of Corrupt, Evil, and Sane vs Corrupt, Evil, and Insane.
I certainly plan to vote for Gary Johnson. I'm not certain on his views on public lands. He is a very active outdoors-person, so possibly they're favorable.
For the most part I consider myself a libertarian, which is really just a classical liberal. (you know- like when liberals marched for civil rights, instead of putting citizens on arbitrary, secret gov't lists, with no due-process)
Government is too big, taxes too much, spends too much, and is good at literally nothing. A litany of alphabet soup agencies should be abolished or reduced and consolidated, starting with the IRS.
'We don't need a dept of Commerce, we need commerce.'
I'll drink raw milk if I want to, and continue to carry my gun where I want to, and I won't be getting a permit to do so.
I don't smoke pot, but I will if I want to. I want any enemy that poses us a threat to be ruthlessly and mercilessly anhilated by the military. I don't want another friend killed, and three more f'k up mediating a civil war between sub-human, uncivilized muslim barbarians, in our dangerous quest for nation building and oil aquisition.
I think civil asset forfeiture is wrong, and that you must be convicted of a crime before the government can freeze your bank account.
I don't want another generation of inner city black kids to drop out of school because their worthless union protected teachers suck, and then be made criminals by the drug war.
I want congress to read bills before they vote on them.
The FBI has no reason to need our browser history without a warrant, nor does the NSA get to violate the 4th amendment under a broad warrant with 'Verizon' on it.
Small businesses are over regulated and over taxed to the benefit of mega-corporations that own the government.
Gay people, like all of us are people. They have the same rights as anybody. They should be able to get married and deserve equal protection under the law. They don't have special gay rights, but we are all individuals with the same rights. We should stop creating secondary and victim classes and just acknowledge that everyone should be under the same status regardless of the labels put on them by the collectivists.

If any of this agrees with you, perhaps you're a libertarian too.
Overall, I believe that the governments sucks(I guess thats more of a fact - since every program and agency is ran terribly- EVERY SINGLE ONE) and should be minimized. Its not anarchy, it doesn't mean we can't have military, police, EMT, roads or public land.

There certainly are libertarians that are against public land, however.
I have discussed this with Austin Petersen - he came in 2nd for the libertarian nomination- and unfortunately he wants it put back to the states, to do with as they please, including selling.

Gary Johnson is an entrepreneur and highly successful two term governor of New Mexico. He's a little goofy, but I think he's more qualified and level headed than Trump or Clinton. He seems to respect the constitution- not just the parts he agrees with.

The left and right both want to increase government powers to force their ideals upon everyone. Libertarians want to leave you alone.
Gary Johnson would not be that bad, actually. I would never vote for him, though, as he has no chance of winning and voting for him just gives Hellary a boost. Just think about what the consequences are to voting for a no-chance candidate. Do you remember Ross Perot?
Gary Johnson would not be that bad, actually. I would never vote for him, though, as he has no chance of winning and voting for him just gives Hellary a boost. Just think about what the consequences are to voting for a no-chance candidate. Do you remember Ross Perot?

The pro-abortion, pro pot legalization, anti war, anti-NSA libertarian will only pull votes from Republicans? A whole bunch of Bernie supporters are backing him.

If not voting for Trump, equals voting for Hillary, isn't not voting for Hillary, equal to voting for Trump, which means, not voting for both, equals voting for both, which means you voted for neither. What a silly way to think.
Vote FOR something.
The pro-abortion, pro pot legalization, anti war, anti-NSA libertarian will only pull votes from Republicans? A whole bunch of Bernie supporters are backing him.

If not voting for Trump, equals voting for Hillary, isn't not voting for Hillary, equal to voting for Trump, which means, not voting for both, equals voting for both, which means you voted for neither. What a silly way to think.
Vote FOR something.

Then go ahead and vote your conscience and make no impact what-so-ever. That is exactly what I am talking about and that happened with Perot. He took votes away. If you think that I am silly for not wanting that cretin, Hellary, to get elected, then so be it.
Then go ahead and vote your conscience and make no impact what-so-ever.

If everyone voted their conscience it would make a huge impact. I'd argue its people like you who are preventing any meaningful impact from being made.
Then go ahead and vote your conscience and make no impact what-so-ever. That is exactly what I am talking about and that happened with Perot. He took votes away. If you think that I am silly for not wanting that cretin, Hellary, to get elected, then so be it.

I don't think you are silly for not wanting Hillary.. I despise her.
But that doesn't mean your way of thinking isn't circular and illogical.
Unfortunately, millions of others think the same way.
Then go ahead and vote your conscience and make no impact what-so-ever. That is exactly what I am talking about and that happened with Perot. He took votes away. If you think that I am silly for not wanting that cretin, Hellary, to get elected, then so be it.

Kind of like managing the bottom line for the current quarter and EPS by not making an investment in the future. I saw it time and time again with my clients, and they always stayed in the same rut.
This is the first time ever that I will get to vote for someone who I really want to vote for- Trump. Finally a presidential candidate who will take the illegal immigration problem seriously. I've been waiting 30 years for a guy like Trump.

And, a vote for Gary Johnson is a wasted vote.
I'd say you're getting the cart wayyyy out in front of the horse.

Secondly, no President can get anything done without Congressional approval. Pretty tough to do when your own party doesn't even want you elected.

Lame duck would be an understatement for a Trump "presidency"...FACT.
I'd say you're getting the cart wayyyy out in front of the horse.

Secondly, no President can get anything done without Congressional approval. Pretty tough to do when your own party doesn't even want you elected.

Lame duck would be an understatement for a Trump "presidency"...FACT.

...but attempting to change things has to start w/ someone, and no better place than from the top. The people in office right now won't even touch the immigration issue w/ a 10' pole, and I believe for their own selfish reasons. I'm pointing my finger at both sides of the aisle. You may feel that he will be a lame duck for 4 years, but how do you know he won't shake the apple cart up in DC and at the very least open the eyes of the general public just how corrupt DC is thus causing organic change? Who knows, maybe Trump is more of the same for the next 4 years if elected, maybe worse??? Put me in the column of sick and tired of the same old same old being shoved down our throats. Again, I'm pointing my finger at both parties in DC b/c honestly I don't think there is much difference at this time. I'm willing to roll the dice w/ him and see how it goes.
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I can't in good conscience vote for Clinton or Trump. If a 3rd party candidate pulls in 34% of the vote it should send a strong message. The parties used to be representative of the people. Now they are controlled by big money and extreme whackos. At 18 I attended a caucus, and everybody was heard. Today we have super delegates, or on the Republican side, delegates who can vote for whoever they want if Trump doesn't take the nomination on the first round. I don't agree with Johnson on about a third of the issues, but I believe him to be honest, and we need someone who might be able to hammer out some deals. Both Trump and Clinton are so polarizing that the other side is just going to dig in and obstruct, like the last 8 years.
I'd say you're getting the cart wayyyy out in front of the horse.

Secondly, no President can get anything done without Congressional approval. Pretty tough to do when your own party doesn't even want you elected.

Lame duck would be an understatement for a Trump "presidency"...FACT.

Pretty much agree Buzz, except for...pen, phone, executive fiat. public opinion/social media...or so I've heard. Maybe the GOP house will organize a sit in to protest their nominee, that's about the only thing they might grow a spine for.
Sometimes the worst case scenario turns out for the best. It is possible that we need to first suffer some more for our sins. (It's too bad our kids will suffer too but hey, we made their bed and we all have to sleep in it.) It is possible that a real leader will arise from the ashes. Didn't someone have a famous quote about how a need for a leader gives rise to one? Trying times, etc. .. . ? On the other hand, we could get a horrible leader. I guess we should have thought of that back when we were warned by those we chose to ignore.

Anyway you cut it, it's all good. We either get what we deserve or we get better than what we deserve. I'm hard pressed to think of a case where we get worse than what we deserve.

We are supposed to be a nation of, by and for the people and if that is true (is it?) then there are no innocents (again, except for the children and if we really cared about them we would have made different decisions; 7th generation, etc.).

In the end, all you've got that is worth anything is your conscience and your honor. If you want to piss that away on strategy, go for it.
It may be a "lame duck" four year term for either Trump or Clinton.

Totally agree, and damned likely a fact.

I just think that a career politician has a better "chance" at working with the current congress, where (mostly) one side will work with the candidate in question.

Pretty tough sledding when many of your own party are going to run static on your agenda...and IMO, that's exactly where Trump is at.
The Supreme Court justices appointed in the next four years will have a bigger impact than any president. That should concern everyone.

Gary Johnson is a wasted chad.

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