Caribou Gear

Gary Johnson - Pro Transfer of Public Lands

James, I'm pretty sure getting pissed about a baby was due to ego and an inability to deal with much of anything.The media has been on Trump's case because he acts in ways we teach our children not to. His traits run counter to everything a good leader typically displays. The mental gymnastics people engage in to justify his behavior is gross.

Huge ego, no patience. That's it.

Good leaders typically display little patience for inconsiderate, disrespectful people who fail to take a hint when judiciously and patiently and politely dropped. But I do agree that we teach our children that it's okay to ignore those hints, and to stumble through life with no situational awareness; and that our press will run interference for them in an effort to take down anyone they don't like. Talk about gymnastics.

What's gross is all the whiners who complain ad naseum about political platitudes, politics as usual, the two party system, voters not counting, belt-way back scratching, failures to negotiate, press-passes for liars, right-wing conservative morons and left wing liberal idiots, and etc.; yet, when they get a guy who blows that system all to hell they jump back in bed with the press and look down their nose at him. You know why? Not because he violates some collective human understanding of what is good and honorable. No. They do it because the press and the Parties create that narrative and the whiners fall for it. That's gross.

Here's an example: Where the hell did this word "Presidential" come from? Who gets to decide what that is? Is it walking around, dignified, talking complete and utter BS like Henry Kissinger? Apparently we'll take unwise evil as long as it has "gravitas" and looks good. Reminds me of English Bob in Unforgiven, trying to tell the American rubes about the difference between the King of England and the American "President" (said with a demeaning sneer). Vaunting form over substance. That's all that is. If I hear one more T.V. talking head use the term "Presidential" I"m gonna puke.

If the establishment and the "we" you refer to don't like Trump, well, all I've got to say is this: They should have thought about that sometime in the last 50 years when they've had more than ample opportunity and notice to come up with something better; something beside the liars who are in bed with Party politics and money. Talk about failing to take a hint.

I was liking Trump, then he picked Pence as a running mate and I was hating him. However, now that everyone is against him, I'm liking him again. I mean, if the entire Democratic Party Machine, and the entire Corporate Media Machine, and half the Republican Party Machine are hating on him and uniting in an effort to defeat him, then there must be something good about him. The more the Stars align against him, the more I think he might be posing a serious threat to everything I hate about politics in the United States and the money that owns and runs it. The more they bring their A Game against him, the more I hear fear in their voices. They see a real possibility of losing their iron grip on power and the "establishment" they've built over the years, fooling us into thinking there was a difference between Rs and Ds, etc, as if our votes mattered.

So, I do exactly as "they" and you would want me to do after listening to their hew and cry, and I try to step back and ask myself, "Am I the one that's wrong here? Is Trump really as bad as they make him out to be? Maybe he is and my hatred for "them" has blinded me to how bad this guy is. Hmmm."

But I don't see how it would matter either way:

1. If I am wrong and he is evil, then I feel like poking them in the chest and saying "Hey, you had your chance to stand up and do what is right and you brought this on yourselves and, because you are evil, you brought him on us and yourselves. It's a little late for you to come in whining about Trump and promising us you'll do right this time, really, because, well, you promise. We've heard that shit before. It's time we all paid for our/your sins and let Trump be your/our punishment. Maybe, if we survive this, you will have learned your lesson and "we the people" will be allowed to matter again.

2. He is not evil and the establishment needs to suffer. I want him to kick them while they're down and I want to help him. They deserve whatever they get and I'm willing to suffer to see them get it. I'm willing to cut off my nose to spite my face. That's how sick I am of the two Parties and their owners. The greater the movement against him, even including from my fellow citizens, the more I like him.

Then I think about how powerful "they" are and how they'll probably kill him and we'll be stuck with Pence. Back to square one.

I'm back to voting my conscience: Jill Stein for President. Or write myself in.
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His greatest stroke of genius, and what almost brought me back into his camp again (but-for his choice of VP) was his thing with the crying baby. Show me a politician who isn't all about kissing and hugging babies and he's got my vote. It's not that I hate babies, it's just that I hate people pretending they like something because everyone says they must. "Put that little brat back on the tit and shut him up; I'm trying to talk here. You came to listen to me, not the other way around." Donald is the kind of guy who would slap you in the back of the head for lighting up your GD cell phone in the middle of the movie. And I'm the kind of guy that would clap and pay for his ticket. .

I feel the same way everytime (which is rarely) my wife and I go to an expensive restaurant and the table next to us, who can afford filet and lobster but not a sitter, have 3 wailing children.
I suggest we get back on to GJ or this one is going to get locked again.
To be completely fair, what is worse?
Leasing a landlocked section of 'public' land at an AUM price that costs more to administer than the payment is, or sell it?

Obviously a land swap in which private land is consolidated and public land is consolidated into a Useable size is superior to both.

If he had a chance of winning I would still probably reconsider whether or not I'm voting for him based on this issue.
Since he doesn't and i despise the unmentionable word and dislike trump, and HATE the two party establishments system, I'll still vote for him, because he's the only other person on the ballot.

Right on.
If he could get the checkerboarding of BLM consolidated equitably I'd be all for it.
But it never seems to work out fair here in NM with state lands. Trophy rancher gets thousands of acres of hunting land & a mountain,and we get 20 acres of commercial land near Albacrackie.

GJ was a very good Gov. and if he would back off the sale or transfer BS he would get my vote.
I too tend to be fiscally conservative & socially liberal,but I love my country.Literally.
I also have my own kingdom so maybe I'm more libertarian than I thought,but I'm far from everyone for themselves.

The other two main choices are not a pill I will swallow.
He doesn't stand a chance and while I don't agree with his stance of selling that land to private interest it does illustrate one of the major problems with BLM land.

In that, those land-locked pieces we own and pay for are not accessible to us. The private interest already get the benefit of use without the obligation of private ownership.

I believe every bit of federal, state land should have a public easement to it period.
In that, those land-locked pieces we own and pay for are not accessible to us. The private interest already get the benefit of use without the obligation of private ownership.

I believe every bit of federal, state land should have a public easement to it period.

I agree. But we should condemn and pay for that easement. One way to encourage voluntary sale is this: Charge them (a lot) for the benefit/use of federal land, force them to pay for fence out, don't maintain or do anything to aid or protect them, etc. If they trespass, charge them criminally. If their crap gets on federal land, confiscate it and sell it. In other words, treat them on federal land like they would have us treated on their land.

IF they sell an easement, then reduce or eliminate the charge, aid with depredation and maintain the federal land. In short, become good neighbors.

But if *I* can't get to it, then neither should they. Equal rights, eh? End of story.

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