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Gallatin Canyon Wall Tent Homicide

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Any news out in Bozeman about a motive? mtmuley
Probably never know. Even though he confessed to the police, his lawyer will probably have him plead not guilty and claim it was self-defense. Then after being convicted, he will stick to his new story.

Loosely related, but another white supremacist and similar norse theology to what was described earlier in the thread.
Good grief. At what point should our FBI be held accountable for going along with that plan for so long? That guy should have been arrested long before he was.
Good grief. At what point should our FBI be held accountable for going along with that plan for so long? That guy should have been arrested long before he was.
No LEO experience, but I have to assume getting him to the point that he actually attempted the act rather than just plotting makes convicting a slam dunk and maybe adds to the charges? IDK though.
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