Gabby Giffords husband buys AR-15

Actually your question to me was "wouldn't the banned gun law have stopped all these murders". I will stick with my original answer. IQ's may vary.

that's true. Heck I don't even know what mine is or care to know. IQ doesn't relate to common sense and logic. By the way when did I mention IQ or did IQ become part of the discussion?

good luck to all
the dog
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It will be impossible to enact a full background check system without gun registration. If you sell a gun in a private transaction there is no way to enforce a background check. All guns will need to be registered in order for them to know which guns are bought and sold. I don't disagree with having a background check table set up at a gun show but a background check on ALL gun sales is not possible without registration.
I don't know about other states, but here in SC, FFL dealers can not charge a customer for doing the NICS background check, since they incur no charge for the service. If a customer purchases a handgun from another state, or makes a purchase from an on-line site, those guns must be transferred to a local SC FFL dealer, and then a service fee which includes the NICS background check can be charged. Any purchase at a gun show from any licensed dealer requires the same NICS background check, as it does at the dealer's shop. The so called "gun show loophole" background check requirement that is seeking to prevent individuals from selling to other individuals is going to create additional costs to the purchasers and sellers if it is passed. FFL dealers will have to take additional time to process those form 4473s and go through the NICS checks, which means they are losing income from the sales of their own products. This would in effect establish a separate cottage industry for businesses that would have to purchase a business license, become FFL licensed, and be able to access the background check system. In turn they would be able to set up at gun shows and do nothing but charge both the seller and the buyer for their services, without actually having any investment in the transaction. In my opinion, this could lead to increased abuse of the 4473 forms, as well as falsifying sales for the background checks. In other words I believe any further background checks aimed at individual sales, could actually damage the current NICS background system and result in many more straw purchases and sales to restricted individuals due to the corruption created by many unscrupulous people who would be opening such businesses. Needless to mention that under such a system, you would have to pay for a background check to pass down a family heirloom gun to a child or grandchild.
Right on A-con: No problem with background checks from this guy, however, NO gun regsistration.

mtmiller: If we go with the background checks, which are OK with me... tell me this. Chicago has the most murders in the US. Do you think that the thugs will obey the background check law? Wait one minute... you can correct me if I am wrong, however, hasn't Chicago banned handguns? If a simple law was the answer.... wouldn't the banned gun law have stopped all these murders? My point being.. just because you pass a law, it doesn't mean the law will work. The background check will only help those who are already obeying the law.

I agree with you on your last statement: "Not every person living in the United States should have a gun in their possession". Let's get them out of the crimnals hands.

Just my thoughts.

good luck to all
the dog

FWIW, I looked out of curiosity. Handguns are not currently banned in Chicago. They were, but the SCOTUS ruled the ban unconstitutional in 2010. Also FWIW, former republican New York Mayor Guilliani claims his gun control laws had a large effect on crime there.

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