Funny political memes

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In my narrow minded 'curmudgeonous' world only positive things would be expressed regarding the persons of Presidents Trump, Biden, Bush, Clinton, Carter, etal.
Focus the criticism on programs, decisions, directives and other potentially impactful issues ... rather than disparaging individuals' traits or physical shortcomings.

That does happen in certain countries, places where if you dare post something 'funny' about your leaders you could be jailed or executed. The beauty of our country is that we are all still free to have a laugh when our dear leaders make fools of themselves, which they are all too often willing to do after telling us how flawless they are in order to get the votes.
IMO, it seems the POTUS political humor exudes a dirth of healthy humor, putting a very small "f" on funny.
In my narrow minded 'curmudgeonous' world only positive things would be expressed regarding the persons of Presidents Trump, Biden, Bush, Clinton, Carter, etal.
Focus the criticism on programs, decisions, directives and other potentially impactful issues ... rather than disparaging individuals' traits or physical shortcomings.

Hypothetical: Back in the last big downturn days, would you have belittled FDR for his polio affliction and resulting crippling just for the sake of a few political "laughs"?
Recognizing the latitude in discussing a large diverse range of topics and issues on this forum ... still we all could better ourselves by seeking integrity and respectfulness in expression.
Beat me up if you want ... I can take it and have in a real combat zone.

To each his own. I'm not about to tell you what to do.

The "humor" is not in the president's affliction, but in the preposterous fact that the country knows full well he is cerebrally naked while so many pretend that this emperer is fully clothed.
IMO, it seems the POTUS political humor exudes a dirth of healthy humor, putting a very small "f" on funny.
In my narrow minded 'curmudgeonous' world only positive things would be expressed regarding the persons of Presidents Trump, Biden, Bush, Clinton, Carter, etal.
Focus the criticism on programs, decisions, directives and other potentially impactful issues ... rather than disparaging individuals' traits or physical shortcomings.

Hypothetical: Back in the last big downturn days, would you have belittled FDR for his polio affliction and resulting crippling just for the sake of a few political "laughs"?
Recognizing the latitude in discussing a large diverse range of topics and issues on this forum ... still we all could better ourselves by seeking integrity and respectfulness in expression.
Beat me up if you want ... I can take it and have in a real combat zone.
The first president I was old enough to remember was Carter, Plenty of "jokes" about him and they didn't stop with Reagan. I think there are better ways to get your point across. What I find even more disturbing is today we attack not just the politician but the people that work for them and the voters that supported them.
Making fun of leaders for their short comings is not something I am going to engage in. My opinion is the jokester often looks more foolish than the leader, but I am glad I live in a country were if you do you get a chance to make yourself look foolish a second time.
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