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Fun at BurgerKing...


New member
Nov 21, 2001
For some reason
I always seem to bring out the "BEST" in people

Today my daughter, Alexis, wanted to go to Burger King. So off we went. We went through the drive-thru, ordered, drove to the window and paid.

Now the fun begins...the lady handed me my change and as I was putting it into the respective slots inside my console, she says, "here ya go." I just kept feeding coins into the console and she says, "here ya go, Sir!" I looked up at her and then to Alexis and I said, she sure is "PUSHY" isn't she! The lady then said, "Sir, here ya go, we are on a timer!"

Me being just a tad on the sarcastic side and just a little bit of a smarta$$ replied, well being as you are in such a hurry, why don't you run over there to the counter and get me one of those comment cards!

She did and I sat there and filled it out. I stated how rude Judy was and how the manager should monitor their employees better!....hahaha...she was the manager

I handed it to her she looked it over, gave me a snide, go to He!! look and I drove away feeling better about myself
I don't believe I'd be buying any more burgers there without a disguise flipper,there's probably gonna be a booger in the burger somewhere
LOL Oh Gawd! My husband has found his soul mate in Flipper. The other night we stopped at a convient store after I got off work at the bar to get cigs. Well as some of you know my house was robbed about a month ago and my wallet was taken with all my ID. We get up to the counter and I ask the lady for a pack of lights and ultra lights.
Now keep in mind that everytime I get off work I go into this place and have been doing so for atleast 3 months straight. This same women is always working and constantly cards me. The women says I need to see your ID. I told her my ID was stolen and turned to ask my husband for his. My husband having a few in him looks her straight in the eye and says, "You mean you don't know who we are by now?"
Lady "No I don't sir"
Darryl "Well why the f*** not? I mean gawd we're only in here three or four times a week, every week."
Lady "Well I'm sorry sir, but if you'd...."
Darryl "My wife is usually wearing the same shirt everytime. If I thought you could read I'd tell you to look at her shirt and see that it's got the 'Riverside' written right on it. Do you know that you have to be at least 18 to work at a bar? Do you have any idea how old I am?"
Lady "Well sir it's just a shirt, anybody can wear a shirt."
Darryl "Well apparently any imcompatant idiot can work here too..."

He throws the ID on the counter and walks out. As I turned to watch him go people behind us actually cheered him on!!! I paid for the cigs and jetted out of there as fast as I could. I get out to my car and my husband is almost in tears he's laughing so hard! "What the heck did you do that for, she was just trying to do her job?"

"Just for the fun it" he says with this cat ate the canarie grin...

I've never been so embarassed in my whole life! I wanted to kill him! thank gawd I didn't have a gun on my cause I probably would have!!
Love, Raven
White Raven, people rarely notice individuals unless they do something that makes them remember them.
I drive a bus, I usually pick up the same people every day, usually 3-400 in an 8 hour shift. Some of the passengers, I know because they get on, make a little small talk, and do the same when they get off. The are recoginizable. I usually remember the stop they get on, and the days they usually ride. (most ride to work) If I don't see them at the stop, I wait a extra minute or two, to see if they are coming. Other's get on the bus, walk straight back, an sit down, I wouldn't know them again if I fell over them, and they ride every day. I am recoginzable to them, cause I am the guy that takes them to work, or the mall, or grandmas. I have people come talk to me, when I am not working all the time, that I don't recoginize. I am sure that lady at the cigarette store will remember you from now on.

But then some service folks are just plain rude.
Ah, Cool Hand Flipper! You did better than I would have...I always let my temper get the better of me before I think to have fun with it. I would have just told her she was rude and that I'll take just as long as I want.
Poor Alexis, already being embarrassed by her Daddy and she's not even a teenager yet.
Here ever time I go to taco bell they say pull up and we will bring your food out.
Not no more the last time I did I sat there for a little while and then went in and told them to give me my money back.

As for buying ciggs they card you here even if you old like the Nut
LOL Those are some very funny stories, White Raven, yours is truly great, there was someone like that at a store in front of me one day but he wanted to buy some beer and they went at it for like 10 minutes until she decided to let him buy it since he was holding up customers.
Vip when I'm told to pull up they'll bring it out I will make them give me a refund right then. If I'm going thur the the drive thur it's cause I'm in a hurry and I'm not waiting on them. And I won't take any food either at that point all I want is my money back.
Flipper, I always suspected you were a hard ass, now the truth is out...from your own chops........ Kids hungry
and wantin' a (what do they serve at Burgerking??
Kid's hungry and wantin'a Whopper... Just cause the kid in the window asks you to move up,
you get your money back and make the kid eat at McDonalds... That's a tough man that does that.....


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-20-2003 16:12: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
Hahahaaha...Dan that was MEATHEAD that gets his money back and drives off

I sit there and refuse to pull up

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