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Full Draw-How long can you hold it?

Come on now rich; I know for a fact you've lurked thru here,checking to see if you've recieved yet another grammar lesson. There's no ulterior motive to this post, just asking a question about your best aggregrate lift total. It's a concrete figure we can appreciate and not quibble over like hunting,howling or other ego inflating endeavors. Im simply curious about a fellow tyros best lift total.....we are both to damned old to make exaggerated claims, Im merely interested.
.....I'll be damned, I just saw you in this thread for the second time today rich, and still no response to my serious question, whats up with that. I was reaching out for meaningful dialog concerning a topic we both are familar with. I'll let it go, possibly your annoyed with me this time, and don't wish to answer.
Since I had read this thread and had no clue to how long I could hold at full draw I decided to see what it would take.

Never got around to timing myself though. But I had been practicing to see if it was what would seem a considerible time. I dont think it was too bad and it worked out perfect on my "miss" last weekend on a doe. (I missed because I lifted my head to watch the shot).

It can be a good thing to be able but I will just try and see if my timing to draw is good.

A longbow is difficult to draw and I have no plans to start now.
I'll be darned Vic, you sounded as though you actually were interested in a dialog on the subject. I ignored your posts because I expected you to jump on any number I gave you and greatly annoy me with it, kinda like the bow weight thing. BTW what's up with the "don't want my leg pulled." thing. If you doubt those numbers why would I think you would believe a max total number?
I'll be damned? dialogue ehh? ya got me.
Yeah, I never formally competed except within the group of guys I used to lift with. The magic number to take you out of the wannabe class was 1500....I never got there, legs were my weak link, so the squat was a difficult lift for me.I wasn't going to rag on you about your number, lifters don't lie like hunters,ya can't, you either put up or shut up
1500!! Good Lord, what weight class did you lift in? I competed in 198 didvision. 1385 was my best total and I trophied in most meets. This was 1965-1973. I never was a star. Sonny Ray from Texas held bench record with 510 at that time and I barely came within 100 pounds of him. May as well have been a thousand. I still lift 5 days a week. At 60 I'm careful with my shoulders and knees.
I should HAnd out PLANE tickets to Guys For ASS WHOOPin' Contests around the States

YOU guys Are FUGGIn HIL-arious, Bala, Pleese Dont' ever Go back and Edit my Chit though... I don't type weller like some of ya Edjikated boys :!:!

Maybe we could have a SHOOT off..... Between you two ?!?! And Wager on the deal ?!?
Whoa Rich....if you notice, I said I never got there
I was way heavier than the weight class you were lifting in, at that time I hit the scale at 230, and my absolute best aggregrate was 1230,it was just friendly competition amongst the four of us that lifted together. So you were light years ahead of anything I lifted.
I never got close to a 400 bench press,310 was my best,and if you held a gun to my head to get that now, you'd have to go ahead and shoot me
Like you, I am very careful about the shoulders, hell being a has been....youth;it's fleeting ehh?
Vic, you could have competed with a 1230 total. I saw less win heavyweight. Of course that would have fired up your competitve spirit and you would have scored 'roids in order to remain competitve, your hair would fall out and your family would have to learn to live with 'roid Maybe not.

Your right again, someone said that youth was wasted on the young.
This subject was talked about last night in chat, and I had to come in here and check it out.

Both of you guys should be friends, and friendlier, as you are both friends of mine.

Good hunting. LB

(checked for spelling)
I know, Richie.

But you're older, and you should know better.

When he baits you; he just wants your attention. So, give it to him. Is that so hard?

Stroke his ego, ask advice, charm the pants off of him.

Good hunting. LB
I will give it try just for you Leonard.

1. Hi Vic, your feet are very pretty with boots on.
2. You seem very tall. How can I become as tall as you?
3. ummm-- hell with it, Leonard. That pants thing just ain't gonna happen.
Come on now Leonard; he all ready stated on your board that "It'd be fun doing them together" concerning you and Bruce
, referring to hunting I hope, but still has odd undertones
......that statement alone makes me want to keep the ole boy at arms length. I think we'll keep our social status right about where it's at, Im quite comfortable with things just the way they are, but thank you, for expressing a desire for us to grab the olive branch.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-20-2003 20:43: Message edited by: BalaPlata ]</font>
" I think we'll keep our social status right about where it's at, Im quite comfortable with things just the way they are, but thank you, for expressing a desire for us to grab the olive branch."

Vic, I'm crushed. I had hoped we would become very best friends.
Oh well, perhaps if we take baby steps.
I do have a serious question for you as a weight-lifter.
You're right-handed. Do you ever pull your bow left-handed? Is your right side rhomboid and terres major more fully developed than the left side?
Im left handed, so I always pull(draw is the proper term) my bow with my left hand. I masturbate with my right hand, so Ive developed bilateral conditioning within each forearm, another intrigueing query that is absolutely meaningless
Classy answer Vic. Your wife will be proud.

You stated earlier "use it or lose it" and that has been true with the exception of my right side terres major, rhomb. and upper lat, the bow 'DRAWING' muscles. I've lost a lot of the heavy musculature except those muscles. They never did atrophy and they are considerably larger than the left side. Wondered if you had similar experience.
Okay, whatever. I'd still ask him for a date, Rich.
Get him in that video.

Seriously. I'm thinking you two would make a hell of a team. Ever heard about those "hunt contests"?

Good hunting. LB
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