fuggin kommiefornia

Troy sorry to hear about that. I hunted pigs in the Paso Robles area a couple years ago and it was a great hunt. Your hunt sounds like this guy should have had his nuts cut off. My advice is lets try to hook up and go to Texas next winter, what do you say?? I try to get out there in Feb or march for hunting pigs because it is a lot cheaper and a lot more pigs. I would like to go where Danr and Johnswa went this past month.
Troy thanks for the post and sorry about your "experience!"
If you do decide you want to give it a try again I'd be more than happy to
hook you up with a couple of guys that actually know what they're doing
(hell, maybe even go with ya myself) either in the King City area (near where Shmaltzy is talking about) or even farther north in the Red Bluff area.

Nothing worse than some a-hole making a silk purse out of a sows ear...if ya can't deliver the goods, don't take on the load IMHO! Sounds like the guy should have been writing restaurant reviews intstead of sports articles....
Private land management changes way more than public land management does. I don't like being lied to either, but you apparently didn't even ask him how the scouting went or has been. He may have done more 5-6 years ago. If the old man dies, and has 4-5 kids then 5000 acres divides up into several 1200 acre size pieces and some of the kids manage it better than others. Its not like hunting Montana where you just walk out into miles of wildlife habitat and shoot some big ass animal standing in front of you. (That ought to get his attention, eh.) It requires a different type of hunting. Sorry you had to rely on a guy who wasn't very committed to your hunt.

Here's a reasonable place I'm interested in going to and it looks to be good for out of state people. http://www.arrow-head-ranch.com/default.asp The now $45 liscense covers 2 javelina, all the hogs you want, and all the rams you want but you pay for each animal. The javelina are native, its 2/year with no draw, even for out of state people, the housing looks pretty decent and its a neat part of the state.
Tom, I did ask him how the scouting was going and he always had some kind of report. When it all came out in the wash, and I could verify what he had or hadn't done through the guy that actually owned the land, said dufus hadn't been there in a year. I don't have a crystal ball so there was no other way to know. I believe most people are honest especially those that love to hunt. However, every now and then a guy runs across a bad egg. This guy lays down a great line of BS and he's fooled a lot more folks than just me. Right now as we speak Scott Haugen (the outdoor writer) is gettinga dose of reality from this dufe. I will be very interested to see how things went for him.

As for Montana, I think you are smart enough to know better than that. Besides, I live in eastern Montana where 90% of the land is private, so I more than know about the politics of private land.

Just for the record, I'm not giving up on wild pigs. I still have yet to see one, but I'm more determined than ever to find one now. I have already booked a hunt will a highly reputable outfitter for next March in Texas. I was debating doing it before my CA trip and probably should have. Oh well, live and learn.
www.mapquest.com said from Dallas to Zapata, southwest of Laredo is:
Total Est. Time: 8 hours, 7 minutes, Total Est. Distance: 480.71 miles

Reputation means a lot in Texas. We have some guys who will lie to you here to, as you describe this guy in Ca did. There's no liscense to be a guide here, no liscense to be an outfitter here, so they are not regulated very well. A few people have been thieves to the point of going to jail for leasing people hunting rights that they don't have the right to lease. Reputation means a lot here, that's how you know to trust people, they have a track record and they are honest about it.

Man, if there was money involved, maybe you can report that guy to a competitive sports writer or something. The landowner booked that guy there with no hog sign? How'd that happen? If you pm me, I"ll give you an opinion on the place you're planning on next. If its in a part of Texas I'm familiar with, the opinion might even be informative. Conditions vary even by time of year though, even though hogs are annually hunted with no season. Feb.-March is a good time, its still cool and all the people who just run their deer feeders for the deer season are not attracting hogs to their place. Then, after deer season, hogs have less places to show up with a feeder still putting out feed, so it narrows the hunt down and increases the sightings for the area with active feeders. In the middle of the hot summer, when crops arrive for the hogs, those are some great times for finding hogs at predictable places too. There's some thoughts on them critters.

They can be really fun to hunt, small to big and they taste great too, I think! I guess I've shot about 30-40 of them, not a real lot, but some experience beyond just a few. The biggest one I got with a shotgun at night, but I've used bow and rifle too. I just got a 7-30 Waters (7mm bullet in a necked down 30-30 cartridge) barrel for my Thompson Contender, so I guess pistol will be next.
Tom, the guy I booked with in Texas has guided some of my personal friends in the past. They have all been very impressed and speak highly of him. My hunting partner that has hunted with him the most is about the most picky hunter I know. If things don't go just about perfect he starts whining. He hasn't so much as wimpered about hunting with this guy in Texas so that is a very good sign. In fact, he rants and raves about him quite a bit, another good sign. He's headed out there to hunt pigs with him again next week. I expect he will do very well. With that said I will PM you because I like having options (something I didn't have in CA during my hunt), plus there's another critter in Texas I'd really like to get. I'll ask you about that in my PM.
Big Sky
Wow, it sounds like that outfitter might be a good one. Here's a javelina distribution map, the link is below. The out of state 5 day, over the counter, $45 hunting liscense covers 2 javelina, hogs, and exotics, so its possible to do combinations in one trip from far away for any and all of that, if you figure them all out. That's what makes the arrow-head-ranch.com attractive, they have some of all of that and its not a lot of money, although its not the best deal either, if you want a cheap hunt.

Here's the javelina distribution, they are native game, so that's neat.
Tom, that distribution map is pretty cool and interesting. I read your PM (I appreciate you sending me that btw.) There was a lot of information there to contemplate. Thank you for sending that. That javelina hunting website is awesome thanks!!!
Heck, I'm ready to go to arrow-head-ranch.com, but I'd like to see if they have been shot out of big hogs before I commit. Here is some info. on the area. The water down there in Zapata, TX, supports big hogs. There a picture of a 500 lb one they refer to as a pest, i.e. as if they are all over the place.


Anybody want to go sometime?

Here's an article with hog distributions in Texas for 1968, 1979, and 1993.


You can see south Texas has always been a stronghold for them in those figures.
I person I have hunted on private land is with Camp 5 outfiters, their mailing address id Paso Robles, but Most of their land in directly south of Camp Roberts.
Hi, John - my buddies went to Camp Five last year and loved it. I missed the trip, unfortunately. I am trying to talk them into going back in the next month or so - I want to try my .358 out on a hog!
A 358 sounds good. I went to the gunshop to order me a Remington 700 in 35 whelen a few months ago. Came home with a camo duck gun, and a youth Marlin 22 instead for my son.

Guess my stricktly hog gun will have to wait.
If you hunted with someone and you had to pay for the hunt and he took you out, unless he is licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game, then it was illegal.

Fish and Game Code Excerpts
§2535. Guide
As used in this chapter, “guide” means any person who
is engaged in the business of packing or guiding, or who, for
compensation, assists another person in taking or attempting
to take any bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, or reptile or who,
for compensation, assists another person in locating any bird,
mammal, fish, amphibian, or reptile to photograph or view.
“Guide” also includes any person who, for profit, transports
other persons, their equipment, or both to or from a hunting or
fishing area.
§2536. Guide Licensing Requirements
(a) It is unlawful for any person to engage in the business
of guiding or packing, or to act as a guide for any consideration
or compensation whatever, without first having secured a guide
license from the department.
Chopper came to the surface! How did the Oregon vs. California hunt go?

I doubt I'll be back in your neck of the woods anytime soon, as employment has taken me to South Dakota.

You've got a great place there Chopper. Say hi to Tracy and family for me.
Tbone, I'm still kickin. The Or. vs. Ca. hunt went extremely well.
A total of 8 hogs taken with archery equipment over a 4 day period. All but 2 on film. Multiple misses on film. A great coyote setup on film and some dandy bucks too.
They called the dog into 10 yards and he came in under them. He was blocked by a slight ledge and some tall grass. They got busted. Less than a minute later they spotted a mountain lion but could not get it on film.
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