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Friends bait site pics.....


New member
Nov 24, 2003
Here is some pics of my friends bait site in Post Falls. He has a digital Camera out and has several bears hitting it. If you notice on the tree of the first pic he has marks on the tree. Each mark is 1' . The bear with the glowing eyes paw is on the 4' mark. It is a smaller bear but wanted to share the bear because his eyes look awesome.
The camera was tore off the tree today and they are trying to fix it. So hopefully they will get it back up and running.

This is the biggest bear he has hitting his bait so far. A big blackie.

This is the 3rd bear hitting the bait. A nice average choclate Bear.
Eeek it's robot bear! :eek:

What a cool pic! I really like the idea of having the tree marked off too.
Dude.. I think the Bear has it's paw on the 4' mark.. not the 5' mark.. look again.

the 2nd bear is a Keeper. The 3rd is about the size of the Choco I took last year.

Looks like the bears are out in full force !!!! I talked to Alderman wit hCreekside productions and he says he has a Smoking site with a few other less active ...yet still active sites, and I talked to another Film Production guy that has a Toad of a bear on one site with several other mediocer's hitting it too. One site we have (I haven't verified) has a Sow and cub at least on it, and the other we're setting up tonight !!!! Dam I love Pictures !!! Keep them coming !!
You where right Moosie. John called me and told me about the 4' mark. I changed it then saw your post.LOL I typed the 5' by mistake. Changing them on other forums as well.
Will be heading up to check my bait site this weekend some time also and to pull the film.
Good luck bud on your bait sites. Smoke a big one this year.
I'm usually not the one to call BS on Someone and bears ... but... ;)

Regardless, Nice pictures, We just got out camera out and I'm going up Tuesday. Hopefully something found the site !!!!
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