Friday Tunes - Emotional Weather Report

Sitting in Billings this week

This reminded me,
I was assembling a sculpture with my uncle Dave in the lobby of a bank being built on Wilshire & Gower, LA. We had the weekend to finish.
Friday morning we were on the scaffolding and a film crew comes in with gear and says we have to get out. Keeps coming in with more stuff and now some guy is yelling at us. "Get out".
David climbs down and is surrounded instantly...I am down in a flash and right there, ready.

David holds up a finger...wait!. He walks out and goes to the pay phone across the street. Makes one call. Not even a minute.
He comes back in and climbs back up on the scaffold and we go back to work...folks yelling at us.

Within 5 minutes there are Water & Power trucks pulling up and they block both streets. Start working on setting up to tear up the streets. Film guys leave us and go confront DWP.

We finished the sculpture on Sunday afternoon.
Lunch break that day up on the scaffold, we watched Eddie Murphy get thrown through a window,twice.

Beverly Hills Cop.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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