Fresh Tracks+

tried to sign up. wouldn't let me complete purchase
Have to try it later
Just signed up for month to month. Will probably change to annual after the holidays. Looking forward to the content!
Hell yea! Already subscribed and I know how I will be spending some down time this winter after this fire season ends.
I signed up first day. Really great that you did that I’m betting that this is not only great for all of us watching but will propel you much further in your public land mission and your trajectory for great content that keeps getting better IMO. congrats Randy
I signed up! I will be even more excited when I can get the app for my TV too!
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Got my subscription for the year. Looks great. Grateful for the content, the platform, and to retain a bit of my privacy.

And now a message to the government who's probably reading this and my other information too:

While you're reading my emails, could you respond to a few of them while you're at it? (I'm behind a bit.)
Count me in. Amazon was doing you wrong! I’m happy to subscribe.

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