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New member
Oct 16, 2001
Mesa, Arizona
Good now that I have your attention

Am trying to get these chat boards going. Please tell your friends about them. If we can get enough people to read these the opportunity for sponsers can arise. The object would be to eventually give discounts to members. :eek:
Hi, Amberjack that other place will miss us huh. I'll let people know about this site. I really like the security.
I forgot already! ;) This site looks like it has lots of potential. So, you still want to go to breakfast on the 2nd?
Yes so far I will be there. Delw if he is not dead tired are going to Saguaro Sat. I will be at Boat Ramp #1. Brown and cream Colored ChrisCraft. I could bring a shiny screwdriver LMAO :D
Yes this Sat. barring weather, food poisoning, dogs barking, my feet falling off,
my head falling off, and if my wife doesn't beat me silly.
Man, I almost went to Saguaro this morning but I wasn't feeling all that great when I got up. I had to go look at a fan in Mesa and I originally planned to pull the boat with me and fish Saguaro afterwards.

I wish that I could go to Saguaro on Saturday, but I need to fish close to home. Have to go to a B-Day party at 6PM. So I'll try my luck on the stripers instead. You should come out west and go striper fishing with me. You can give me a filleting lesson.
Yes do want to do Pleasant. And Filleteing lesson, That would me that a fish would die. The horror of it all. Man did have you been to the other place? Really lame today.

Hey go up and check the Fireside forum, funny place

have a good turkey day
Heading home now
hey westy sorry you did'nt get to go to a real lake but maybe next time HEE HEE. Expect to see you there eventually. And amberjack your still a sleeze. Hope you catch something besides a cold. Good luck DaveM

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ November 24, 2001 16:29: Message edited by: Dave M ]</font>
Hey Dave,

Went to Pleasant on Friday afternoon and got skunked. Doesn't happen very often. Went to a real lake on Saturday and got skunked. Must be me, think I'll take up golf. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Never happen. I"m dangerous with a club. Liked the lake, didn't like the TUNA boats. Took water over the bow about 10 times. Only one TUNA boat was courteous and dropped his wake before going by. The rest came within easy casting range. :mad:
Hello Guys, name is Dennis, and I live in Michigan. I also have a place in Northern MI
on the Tittibawassee River. Good fishing there, we have a variety, lets see there's Bass Large & Small Mouth, perch, Blue Gill, Walleye, Pike, Catfish Channels,& Flats. We are also fortunate in having a home in an area that is surrounded by several excellent fishing lakes. My wife and I both enjoy fishing, although she perfers Bass fishing, and I, well I just enjoy fishing.
Well just wanted to jump in and say Hello and introduce myself, and maybe you guys will invite me back for a chat.

YO AMBERJACK... Maybe you outta open up a
cyber-marina with boat rental, there could even be a bait & tackle shop, a nice bar with an door leading out to the docks. Just a thought, might even draw more folks here.
Ya know fish tales and beer go hand & hand.
But like I said, it was just a thought.

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