Freakin @hole hunters ed instructor!!!!

Hey, maybe you should look up Funter from this board.
He and his wife are my best friends and they are also Hunter ed instructors like myself for AZ.
They do live on the west side(darkside) of the valley.
They just finished helping teach a class at the ben avery range and told me they had a blast teaching all the kids.
Hope this hasn't soured you from continuing your hunters ed training and becoming an instructor.
I get to be certified here in missouri in march, can't hardly wait :)

I kind of think you might have over reacted a bit on this one. Anybody that volunteers should be HELPED, not hung out. Could you have done anything that could have helped the instructor with his registration?

I went to the Instructor Training in Idaho, and when I completed it, I was given a list of a couple of instructors that might be teaching in my area. I was supposed to call them and see if they were teaching anything. If they were, maybe I could assist a time or two, and then teach my own classes.

Sorry, but I felt the Infrastructure for me to accomplish this was not there, so I never taught a class. I was supposed to find my own instructor to assist, and then find my own classroom to teach in, and then advertise whatever I needed to in order to fill the class.

I had signed up to teach Hunter's Ed, not to call libraries, schools, churches, etc.. begging for a meeting room that I could bring guns into.

It sounds like AZ provides the same support level to their instructors.....

What is the good conlusion for you? Are you hoping this "Bozo" gets removed from the list because of his getting moved from the Pizza parlor? You think you had trouble getting your son into a class with this "Bozo", now you think it will be easier for other kids if this "Bozo" is gone?

I hope you are a good teacher, and you teach as many classes as the "Bozo" was going to teach, plus another equal amount in order to improve the situtation.
Yes, I overreacted as far as the childish name calling and I apologized for that. I was in a rage when I made the orignal post. The instructor made a few bad decisions which enfuriated a large number of people. I took action as well as some other parents and together we have come up with a solution to this particular problem! Yes, I was hasty in bashing this persons integrity, afterall, he's a volunteer.

To please gunner, I'll copy/paste my last post on this subject from MM.

"Ok, now that I've had a couple days to cool off, I see where I may have been quick to use childish names. For that I am truly sorry. If this man is your friend, you can pm me his phone number and I will be glad to tell him that over the phone or even in person.
I have spoken with the man in charge of the game and fish education department and he has been in contact with your friend the instructor. All sides agree that mistakes were made and together we are working on a way to prevent this from ever happening in the future!

Again, I didn't mean to portray your friend as a complete fool. Apparently I should serve myself a healthy portion of crow after my childish name calling.

Bottom line is he acknowledges the mistakes and he and the AZG&F will not let this happen again".

Here you can see that the instructor had several friends on MM and I didn't look at the whole picture. I apologized for my childish behavior. After all was said and done, we all learned something from this experience. This instuctor will never make these mistakes again, AZG&F is changing some procedures for hunters ed registration, and my son and I will be in a hunters ed class this weekend!

I do not have any regrets for contacting the AZG&F on this matter, I only regret that I was rather childish with my foolish namecalling.
Glad it's working-out for you & your son John. This episode is somewhat 'legend' at this point, as the instructor for my class in Scottsdale even mentioned it last night. I believe that you may be joining our class for our field day tomorrow....

That sounds about right! I'm looking forward to meeting you. I won't be had to find in a crowd. Just look for the guy with the "Hunttalk" Hat. The hat even has JohnSWA on it. If you don't see me, look for the 6' 226lb 15 year old with a sort of mohawk! Kids today, whatcha gonna do! LOL!
It sucks that you had a horrible time with that particluar instructor, but it seems like everythign worked out for the best in the end. :D
When I took my Hunter's Ed class, it was at the Tacoma Sportsmen Club, and it was great. The class wasn't taught in one night, it was taught in 3 nights, on the last night we had out test, then the following Saturday we had another portion to the test...just to see what we learned about gun safety on the range and in the woods in situations that might actual happen. It was great. The kid that was taking the class had to have a parent with them for all of the class periods. The instructors were great, if there was a question they would stop and explain the answer so that everyone understood better. We had I think 3 or 4 different instructors that taught what they knew most about. Like I said before they class was great and the indtructors was great as well. They even let my dad pay a smallfee when it came time to take the written test, since he sat through the classes with me. So we both took the test and passed. It was great. :D :D :D
Quick Draw
Hey guys, I read all of your comments and I think the thing that sound be looked at and thought about is the kids their the ones that are supposed to have a learning experance out of it. My husband and I put all 3 of our kids through last year here in Idaho and they had a blasted learn! If there is a problem with who is teaching the class talk to f&g about it and maybe make a suggestion but do it nice cause other wise you just end up getting more frustated!
not missing anything...

Arizona has a program where volunteers walk around different hunting areas to make sure nothing suspicious is going on. In the process they make as much noise as possible not caring about the rukus . i was in a tree stand and had a jack @ss walk up to my stand and start asking me what i am doing. I am
NEVER going to hunt in Arizona again.. Granted i miss Kaibab but O"well , Idaho has The frank Church Wilderness Area..
My ten year old will be taking the course this spring and I will be assisting the (volunteer) instructor. Most of our courses here are given free of charge with the materials paid for through the local Cal. Deer Association chapter.

I do, however, agree that a bad first impression to the sport is something we don't want to see. Instructors, volunteers or not, need to know their collect chit as they are under PLENTY of scrutiny by kids and adults alike. I took the IBEP years ago and 2 of the 3 guys teaching it hadn't bow hunted in years...believe me it showed :( and listening to someone speak without the background to back it up (for TWO days) was a bit much!
The Frank Church Wilderness area is some of Idahos most beatiful area.
I grow up there and know quite a bit of the area and alot of the people that live there
but I have not been there for some time do the elk herds still have a bad cow to bull ratio? and what part of that area do you know?
Sorry that Happened I don't want to defend the instructtor, I spent this past weekend at the ISE working in the youth fair with other instructors. It sounds like he needs some orginazational skills. I have the books picked up by my students prior to class beginning and then bring extras to be safe. the nice thing here in California is that we are going to start up a home study course ..... we'll see how that goes, I go tomorrow to get certified.

And to all that haven't seen me in a while I apologize I have been teaching, hunting and got a new job and now have to learn how to use a computer.
lol not hard find john :D hey i agree i be mad to in rage stuff happens ive done it in diff chat but they started it but no prob ur good guy john

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