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Frankin shed

Southern Utah dead head. Haven't measured it but it may add character to Franken.

Good googly moogly there's some big antlers in this thread. That bottom Whitetail is unbelievable Antlerradar.
I just wanted to share some pictures of our whitetail sheds from over the years. The set in the first pic scores 186" with an estimated 20 inch spread. The pictures just don't do it justice at all. I know that we have one that has over a 29" beam. It is somewhere on that fence but I couldn't seem to find it. If I do, I will update on this thread. We have several with G-2 over 14 inches. I believe the longest was over 15".


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I found the big whitetail in the bottom picture when I was 12. I remember that day like it was yesterday. My father one of his friends and I were checking the fence on a 160 acre homestead my family owned in the middle of the Forest. On the way to the property dad and his buddy were telling hunting stories. I had heard most of the stories before but that didn't matter I still enjoyed them.
You could drive to most of the fence but there was about 1/3 of a mile in two timbered draws that needed to be looked at on foot. Dad handed me a hammer and some staples and told me they would pick me up on the far side of the draws. I was very disappointed. I didn't want to walk the fence in the heat. I wanted to be in the pickup with dad and hear the hunting stories.
When I got in the bottom of the second draw I saw some antler points sticking out of the grass. I thought to myself "maybe it wasn't so bad to walk the fence, at least I found a deer head". I walked over to the head and my first thought was "boy this deer has a small skull". It then came to me that the skull was not small, the antlers were huge. I counted the points. A total of twenty. By now I was getting very excited, I forgot about the rest of the fence and ran out of the draw to show dad. He was on the other side of the pasture, a good 1/2 mile away. I put the head by some old corrals and ran across the pasture to tell dad of my find. He saw me coming and thinking I had been hurt drove over to see what was wrong. He ask what had happened and I out of breath stammered out " I just found the biggest whitetail head you will ever see". He replied " I am sure you did, How is he fence" I could tell he wasn't buying the biggest you will ever see statement. We went back to fencing. After the fencing was done I was finally able to show off my find. Dads jaw about hit the ground when I pulled it out from under the old loading chute.
The buck has a 186 inch net typical frame and enough nontypical to push the net score to better than 212. That day changed my life. I think I was addicted to antler hunting from that day forward.

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