Forum Upgrade Coming

Had no idea it was an option. Neato
I am contacting the forum creators to see if it can be optional or mandatory.

What is it? MFA doesn't mean anything repeatable in polite company. At least not to me.
Multi-Factor Authentication. In other words you get a text or email to make sure it is you and not a spammer. It is a bit of a PITA, but I have it on most everything I do that is important. Some call it Two-Step Authentication, so you might see TSA used in that context that has nothing to do with getting frisked at the airport.
I am contacting the forum creators to see if it can be optional or mandatory.

Multi-Factor Authentication. In other words you get a text or email to make sure it is you and not a spammer. It is a bit of a PITA, but I have it on most everything I do that is important. Some call it Two-Step Authentication, so you might see TSA used in that context that has nothing to do with getting frisked at the airport.

Thanks. I know what it is now. I have it on some stuff. Definitely a PITA, but useful for more important issues. I thought I could just click on some option and be instantly transformed into a MFA. But some would say I already am. ... :)
well and it looks like e-mail is an option for a code but so is an authenticator app

as the forum itself suggests, use an authenticator app.

if someone gets a hold of your forum credentials there is a relatively high chance they also have wormed into your e-mail at which point mfa would be useless. but honestly you have bigger issues if that's the case.
Yup. I use an authenticator APP other than SMS. SMS has a lot of possible problems, so we allow either email or an APP.
As many of you have recently experienced, the forum has had a few technical glitches. We have been running on the Vbulletin platform for a long time. Like many software solutions, once you are in it, the cost and effort to change is signficant.

Well, I've reached the point that the cost and effort to stay is more than the cost and effort to change. So, over the next few months you will see a lot of changes. The work will be done mostly at low-use hours.

The format and style will look somewhat similar, but some actions will be different. Loading images, video links, PMs, and a few things will be much easier, though it will take a few times to become familiar with the new steps to do such.

Appreciate all who are registered and who are the regulars here. Hang with us and I can assure you it will be a better user experience in the long run. I hope to have this completed by April 1, with only intermittent disruptions to use.
Thanks for all you do. I’ve learned here and gained friends. I’m not going anywhere.
and after four years I was just getting used to this format. Hopefully help with the Ai getting involved
I plan to try to be a regular. I’ve used this sight for years but now have a question that I’d like to ask
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