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Fort Belknap Water Settlement Bill of 2019

How did you, Howler get 35 thousand acres off the reservation? So many misquotes!!! Just would like to know.
Yep just look at the map, its the middle attachment all total the tribe is getting over 58 thousand but some of those acres are already on the reservation (the state lands)
I ask all of you, the Next time you get next to a Montana Wildlife Federation guy, ask them why they oppose the sale or trade of federal lands but signed off on a deal that give away 58 500 acres of Public land.. They could have made the deal the Tribe would get all the water rights they deserve plus over 20 thousand acres of state lands with in the reservation boundary
Seems to suggest, via Daines website that it maintains public access...

Returns management of the National Bison Range to CSKT, while protecting public access to the Range in statute. No such provision currently exists.

Key Facts of MWRPA:

  • Protects water rights of all Montanans across the state
  • Upholds the United States’ treaty and trust obligations to the Salish and Kootenai people
  • Permanently relinquishes 97% of all CSKT’s water claim rights with prejudice across Montana
  • Saves taxpayers over $400 million
  • Prohibits the sale of water outside the State of Montana
  • Returns management of the National Bison Range to CSKT, while protecting public access to the Range in statute. No such provision currently exists.
  • Provides critical resources to upgrade and improve water infrastructure
  • Conserves critical fish habitat across NW Montana
  • Authorizes a process where the Department of the Interior, on behalf of CSKT, can negotiate with the State for future land swaps.
  • Provides CSKT with $1.9 billion to settle damages and rehabilitate the Flathead Indian Irrigation Project
  • Provides $10 million in road infrastructure funds to Lake and Sanders Counties
  • Avoids litigation on over 10,000 claims in the state water court
  • Requires the Unitary Management Board to dual-file water records with Montana DNRC and requires all meetings and proceedings open to the public

  • Last week, Daines announced the framework of an agreement he’d reached with CSKT to settle the CSKT water dispute, and Senator Tester announced his support.
  • Earlier this month, the Trump Administration expressed support for a settlement that would avoid litigation.
  • In October, Daines sent a letter to the Department of the Interior requesting a formal review and guidance of alternative proposals.
  • In 2018, Daines met with legislators and irrigators who were proposing “the People’s Compact,” and worked to address their concerns with the state passed compact.
  • In 2016, Tester first introduced a CSKT water compact in the Senate.
Dealing with Fort Belknap Water Settlement of 2019 now. Have not looked at this CSKT bill as it is not in my area, but it is also very important. Sorry we have two giveaway's together at the same time, when it rains, it pours! Hope this is being addressed and is done right. Please send me the happenings and the good and the bads to us on this site. Thanks, Dennis
So I here their is another Senator from Arizona who has jumped in with Tester on This Fort Belkinap Water Settlement Bill of 2019. Does anyone know who this is? Please post his name so we can see what he is doing. Thanks
So I here their is another Senator from Arizona who has jumped in with Tester on This Fort Belkinap Water Settlement Bill of 2019. Does anyone know who this is? Please post his name so we can see what he is doing. Thanks
Arizona’s senators are Martha McSally - R and Kyrsten Sienna - D.
Ok, i was wrong, sorry but its a Representative Ruben Gallego and it has changed to H.R.5673, It is now called Fort Belknap Water Settlement Bill of 2020 I believe. If anyone finds different, please post and help us get things right. Thanks. This is very serious as it sets the door open to all tribes to shoot for the moon and take the rest of us down. Let all know about this wicked bill and how bad it is. Senator JonTester and his friend Ruben Gallego are playing with a bomb, this is past fire!!!