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Formal opposition to CO wolf reintroduction ramping up. Are you in?

Since this wolf-reintroduction originates and is being heavily funded from outside CO, it seems reasonable that opponents to CO wolf introduction who do not live in CO should have their opinions heard on this matter. This organization is one among many opposing CO wolf reintroduction.



Today we got word from reporters that pro-wolf radicals will be officially submitting more than enough signatures early, as in TOMORROW, not Friday's deadline.

Please read Denny's email below and sign up to volunteer and give generously. Now is the time to fight back with the facts and win this fight.

Please take a look at Denny's email below about how we need your help to double down on our already successful efforts.


Thomas Bjorklund
Treasurer - Stop the Wolf

Help here ASAP:

P.S. Please forward this email to friends and neighbors and ask them to join us in this fight. Thanks
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The Colorado "stop-the-wolf" folks should just pass around the video that was posted here on HT today. I'll bet that if enough Front-Range folks see the pet pups getting killed and drug off of the driveway,,,,,they'd be a NO vote!
Sorry but that stop the wolf group seems to be a joke. They will decimate deer, elk, and moose populations? Highly doubtful and ZERO proof that wolves have single handedly decimated anything anywhere. The whole "they are dangerous and will kill your pets" thing is pretty funny too.

I love the wolves, you would not believe all the lazy hunters that are scared off of public lands because of them (I'm being somewhat sarcastic, but if you meet another hunter in a parking lot and tell him all you saw back there were wolf tracks they believe you every time and never get out of the truck to verify)

As for reintroduction in Colorado? Stupid idea, let the wolves get there on their own
I took my brother in law hiking in the Snowy Range a few years back. As we got to the trail head there is a guy posing for multiple selfies along with his AR-15. We awkwardly held back until he finished his photo shoot. When we passed him he said he carries the AR-15 "because there's wolves here."
The Colorado "stop-the-wolf" folks should just pass around the video that was posted here on HT today. I'll bet that if enough Front-Range folks see the pet pups getting killed and drug off of the driveway,,,,,they'd be a NO vote!
I suspect such things will happen, as this election will be hotly contested.

I am in this political fight because I agree that wild wolves are the best judge of where they should live and move. They come into CO, don't appear to stay. I can only speculate why CO sucks, from wolves' perspective. The state is less wild, far more populated than other wolf-intro sites in the Rockies. Meaning wolves have much more contact w people, roads, vehicles, hunters than is ideal or even tolerable, if you're a wolf anywhere they would roam in CO. Wolves need wilderness and refuge from humans. Even in wilderness in CO there is no refuge from humans. So wolves taken from their safe home range will be released in CO to run a constant gauntlet of livestock, roads, towns, recreationists. @ times it will become a shooting gallery. Some will be killed by people here. That is the opposite of wolf liberation, in fact it is wolf enslavement and sacrifice.

If this case can be made to CO voters, some will be swayed. This proposal can certainly be defeated @ the ballot box, but not by nay-sayers or those who have surrendered. I will be telling my view and joining w others who oppose this proposal. I invite you to join the effort, if 'you believe CO and wolves are better off with the status quo: Wolves come and go as they choose, based on how suitable they find CO. Wolves can decide that better than activists, conservation groups, out-of-state deep pockets. And voters who will have wolves forced on them while other voters will never see the proposed wolf range, let alone creatures in the wild.
They sure are adamant about introducing them "west of the divide." Might I suggest an alternative, wildlife-friendly and diverse habitat to start their forced introduction. Since natural migration doesn't seem to be fast enough for those idiots.

I have been reading the post “Co. wolf reintroduction program” which has a last dated post of Dec. 2019 ! Being from Michigan, I am not up to date on the present standing of this program and just what has taken place since 2019. If there are those who are still interested in this issue, could you please update me on what the out come is of this program. Thanks in advance !
I have been reading the post “Co. wolf reintroduction program” which has a last dated post of Dec. 2019 ! Being from Michigan, I am not up to date on the present standing of this program and just what has taken place since 2019. If there are those who are still interested in this issue, could you please update me on what the out come is of this program. Thanks in advance !
The proposition passed in November 2020 by a very slim margin. Planning is underway to reintroduce wolves.

The proposition passed in November 2020 by a very slim margin. Planning is underway to reintroduce wolves.

Mountain Man, I thank you for your information concerning the reintroduction of wolves in Colorado ! It is not exactly the news I was hoping to hear. I would imagine the vote was carried by those living in the larger cities and not so much from the rural areas. Do you have a feeling on the wolf issue ? Are you a elk hunter ?
Mountain Man, I thank you for your information concerning the reintroduction of wolves in Colorado ! It is not exactly the news I was hoping to hear. I would imagine the vote was carried by those living in the larger cities and not so much from the rural areas. Do you have a feeling on the wolf issue ? Are you a elk hunter ?
Mountain Man, I thank you for your information concerning the reintroduction of wolves in Colorado ! It is not exactly the news I was hoping to hear. I would imagine the vote was carried by those living in the larger cities and not so much from the rural areas. Do you have a feeling on the wolf issue ? Are you a elk hunter ?
Yes, the vote was extremely close as seen in the attached screenshot. The western slope (where I was born and raised) voted against. The liberal population centers east of the divide (primarily Boulder) just barely carried the day. The wolves will be introduced on the western slope. I have hunted elk in NW CO for the past 27 years. I am very dismayed that this proposition passed.


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These voting matters that often are determined by populations in large cities of progressives are going to be changing many items that more conservative rural inhabitants are in favor of. I look for many of our hunting pursuits to be grossly affected in coming years, all through societal acceptance ! Changes are going to be a huge blow to sportsman, and that certainly is not said with a smile !!
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These voting matters that often are determined by populations in large cities of progressives are going to be changing many items that more conservative rural inhabitants are in favor of. I look for many of our hunting pursuits to be grossly affected in coming years, all through societal acceptance ! Changes are going to be a huge blow to sportsman, and that certainly is not said with a smile !!
It's incredible how incompetent people can be. Whenever I try to argue with one of these idiots my primary argument is that I'm not anti wolf, I'm anti forced reintroduction. It makes more sense to let the wolves trickle back into there habitat, as evidenced by looking at Idaho vs Southern Wyoming.

Then these morons tell me that I hate endangered species! I'm just movin out when I get the chance.
It's incredible how incompetent people can be. Whenever I try to argue with one of these idiots my primary argument is that I'm not anti wolf, I'm anti forced reintroduction. It makes more sense to let the wolves trickle back into there habitat, as evidenced by looking at Idaho vs Southern Wyoming.

Then these morons tell me that I hate endangered species! I'm just movin out when I get the chance.
As long as wolves appear to be ‘relocating’ themselves without help, why does it seem to some that the process needs to be pushed on a time limit basis ? Allow the process to happen on its own, I would imagine wolves are able to look after themselves if given the needed protection to do so. My only question is, at what point and by whom, is the determination of when and how are the wolves to be managed? We can be pretty sure that at any point, management will be very strongly criticized by several environmentalist groups. If we think there are unhappy people now, just wait until talk of managing numbers is put on the table. Once the lid is taken off of this can of worms, how is it going to be put back on ??
As long as wolves appear to be ‘relocating’ themselves without help, why does it seem to some that the process needs to be pushed on a time limit basis ? Allow the process to happen on its own, I would imagine wolves are able to look after themselves if given the needed protection to do so. My only question is, at what point and by whom, is the determination of when and how are the wolves to be managed? We can be pretty sure that at any point, management will be very strongly criticized by several environmentalist groups. If we think there are unhappy people now, just wait until talk of managing numbers is put on the table. Once the lid is taken off of this can of worms, how is it going to be put back on ??
Only if only. Unfortunately a bit late for reason now.
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