PEAX Equipment

For the ATV crowd...


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Do these pictures of my hunting buddies make you feel lazy? They should.

I raced back to hunting camp last night after work and found out Jerry shot a spike bull. I packed half of it and Jerry and George took the rest. George is in his late 60's and Jerry in his early 70's...been hunting the same spot since 1969 and both of them hunted there with their fathers.

The spike in question, best picture I could do given the circumstances.


George with a pack full of elk:


Jerry packing elk on his old-school frame:

It's much cooler to have a Yamaha 750 in the back of your jacked up duramax with all those sweet hunting decals on the rear window. I need a mullet and a tat of a giant mule deer.
Where do you put your elk if the back of your truck is full of ATV?

Cool pics...
Now that's what i'm talkin about right there. Guns legs and lungs = living the good life! congrats to your friends Buzz.
I guess you only get the "choice cuts" when you have to pack it out....When I'm 70.. I be shooting it by the road... I like taking 100% of the critter if possible... helps feed the dog and cats...In this ecomony I have to save the scraps:D:D

But to each his own... More power to Jerry.. Buzz I hope you packed out.2/3 of it:hump:

Coll pics and everyone looks real happy:)

Those old boys I hunt with wouldnt have a chance hunting the roads, they'd be shoved to the ground and run over by some 30 year old fat ass on some kind of ATV.

You get the choice cuts, plus all the not so choice ones as well. No reason to pack bones, hide, and guts home...its a big mess and goes into the garbage anyway.

I packed half and the other two split the other half between them.
I understand Buzz...When I get a tag I usually go as far away from other hunters as possible...I have more of a problem with ATV's in the city on the canal roads etc, kicking up dust making noise... I think its great these old guys are getting out and hunting on foot... But as for me... if I'm hunting say "cow elk" or a "spike".. I can easily shoot one near a road on the edge of a Meadow... A meat hunt to me.. is just that... My dogs love the bones... I have never owned an ATV.. Just don't have a problem with them... if used properly...

I used to hunt Coues behind Patigonia lake..I was in awesome shape... but i still took the boat across to the other side... why walk around?... I ended up walking in for miles... it was nice to bring my deer back to the boat and bring it to camp... We all use modern stuff. J.M.O.

Love your pics and story.
That is great...hope I can say the same in 30 years! I have packed out a few animals this ATV required...they do have their place, but that is cool to see right there. Congrats!
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