Yeti GOBOX Collection

For Greenhorn

Moosie, that's just not right! Hunt Talk can't possibly be at the very bottom of his priority list, can it? I mean, especially after comments like this:
Now its clear, you and Moosie and Green horn the 3 biggest trols on the internet and the 3 biggest lieing S.O.Bs on the face of this earth..Still smarten over that spanken I gave that lying bastard Greenhorn a year or so ago...The three musketeers, butt buddies for sure...I should have seen through this a lot sooner...Kiss off asshole
Greenhorn, you've got to defend yourself! Where are ya? :confused:
WH, if the truth were known, moosie probably booked one of them fair chase high fence hunts on the Comstock through ol'Ray
I suspect ol Rays corn flakes are getting pretty soggy with you pissing in them all the time.
Funny stuff.