Football Season!!

Orca Lover

New member
Aug 15, 2004
Spanaway, WA
My school kicked off football season last night with an away game against Emerald Ridge. The good news is that we won, the bad news is that it was too close. The final score was 44-39. Lets just hope we can make it to the playoffs at least!!!

I herd that it was a close game, OL and I were supposed to go but by time my mom asked how much it was it was 10 mins to kick off and it takes at least 30 to get to the field. Oh well I think we'll go next weekend.
Quick Draw
MY daughter just started highschool, there game was friday also. She is in the band,
her school won also 60-0.

High school football is the only football I like to watch, those kids go all out and give it there best. plus they dont whine and cry like paid sports.

now I can start watching games again
The last few years we had an awesome team and other school had no chance at our games. Some of the closest scores were like 54-14 and stuff like that. But when most of the starting line graduated last year, we knew the team needed some rebuilding, we just didnt know how bad it would be. Next weekend is a homegame, so I will be fieldside in the senior lineup section... maybe that game will go better!!!

I love football [high school, college] the pro game is ok but can be boring. i like to go up to Payson and watch the team play[ my brother lives there and works for the high school, but most of what i like about football season, is that its fall and its hunting season, summer is over YEAH.
I like high school ball beacause its people that I actually know off of the field and on the field they are completely different. They are focused on one goal, winning. But I guess that is what makes our team so great, they all bucjk up and play hard. Last year we had a guy who broke his finger in the 2nd quater and was taken out, things got rough and he was in to help us recover in the 4th... that is hardcore!!!!

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