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Football General Talk

Altho I find the humor in this comment her family probably would not feel good about it. Just sayin...
True enough. Or maybe they would appreciate that we are still hating on OJ. If they are on HT and offended I apologize.

(Background - once spit a mouth full of beer on a bar wall when glancing at a text thread about Teddy Kennedy’s death and a buddy texted the same but with Mary Jo Koepecnic)
Norm McDonald OJ jokes:

"According to retailers, the most popular Halloween mask this year is O.J. Simpson, and the most popular Halloween greeting is, ‘I’ll kill you and that guy who’s bringing over your glasses or treat,”

“In his book, O.J. Simpson says that he would have taken a bullet or stood in front of a train for Nicole. Man, I’m gonna tell you, that is some bad luck, when the one guy who would have died for you kills you. You don’t get worse luck than that,”

"Judge Ito was interviewed this week by a local TV station in Los Angeles, asked by the interviewer if it was appropriate for a supposedly impartial judge to be on TV with his case still pending, Ito said, ‘Maybe not, but how appropriate is it kill your ex wife?'”

“O.J.’s pal Al Cowlings now has a 1-900 number. For $2.99 a minute, Cowlings will tell callers that O.J. is innocent, and for $3.99 a minute, he’ll try to do it without laughing.”
cross-post of possible interest


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