Food for camping

I had a friend that had packed into the Selway one year. The Grandpa of the group had told everyone not to worry about the food, he would bring everything they needed. After arriving at camp the kitchen was unpacked. The only thing grandpa packed was a box of chocolates and a gallon of wiskey. :eek: :eek: :eek:

After the others quit crying grandpa told them "We came to hunt so you better get started." :D :D :D
I like that story, Steamer....Grandpa has grit! Sounds like mine and Dan's plan as we pack into the depths of the wilderness this year.......if we don't shoot game, we don't eat ;) ......but it ain't as much pressure on us to harvest as it may sound....Elkchsr assures us we can survive on grass and tree bark, so we feel pretty good about the whole thing :eek:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-06-2002 09:19: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
I've never had to worry about the food I bring hunting because, well, I hunt day by day for deer but I'll throw in a good meal I love to eat while camping that may or may not work. Hobo pies (As if nobody has eaten them before).

Take a sheet of aluminum foil and throw in your meat of choice (I use ground beef but that seems to be out of choice), cut up some onions, carrots, potatoes, celerary or whatever you like and toss them in there as well. Season with wehatever seasonings you like, and add a bunch of butter. Wrap it up well in aluminum foil and place in the coals of the fire. Let it set for a good while and pull them out when done, I like to find a couple of sticks to do this. Your good to go! It takes a bit to cook in the fire, but it's good eating, easy, and there would be little trash to pack out.

Just my $.02


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-05-2002 19:09: Message edited by: DGF ]</font>
I used to make meals like that. Best eating I ever had. Better than a TV dinner. Next time wrap up corn on the cob with a little butter.
Wonder if there will be a fire ban on when you go. Get one of the little gas stoves to take along. The past two years they didn't lift the fire ban until the day before elk season opened, and that is only because of early snows and rain.
Don't forget to take along maershmallows
Dan and I are heading in the 3rd season...first week of November......and the fire ban should be lifted by then........they are telling us to guard against being snowed in that time of year up that high.....
Hopefully Dale and Jimmy will also be able to have a fire.....that is a great part of the atmosphere when your out camping in my opinion........I love a fire
The one thing that no one mentioned was breakfast. Even when we camp by the road or in a tent, we eat Quaker Instant Oatmeal for breakfast. It's light to pack, fast to make and it stays with you for the entire day. You can buy it in lots of flavors and it pretty well takes care of all the stuff you need for the entire day.

Hot instant oatmeal and hot coffee every morning for me Dan. Too damn lazy to cook breakfast. You are right, it sticks to the ribs, is fast, easy and lightweight.
I've never been a real breakfast man but when you're hunting, it's nice going out with a full belly... I typically take some type of breakfast bar, Nutrigrain, etc. Light weight, plenty of carbs, they seem to get the job done.

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