Flying Lawn Chairs


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2024
My Alaska hunting partner once described Sandhill Cranes as "Flying Lawn Chairs".
The same for Great Blue Herons. This one from my Montana hike this morning.
The Great Blue Herons seem to feed mostly on fish in the summer then
switch to voles in the pastures in the winter.
I learned there range is large: most of North and Central America,
as well as far northwestern South America, the Caribbean and the Galápagos Islands
My twin brother sometimes sees them eating snakes in Virginia. Neat birds.
I refer to them as B17 bombers. Huge and flying slow in formation. I love watching them.

To be fair though, I came here for the "flying lawn chair" title expecting a good 4th of July story.

About this time 12 years ago, I saw a "flying" chair fall 12 floors to the ground after being violently thrown out a window by one of the most majestic drunkard I know. "THIS CHAIR'S GOTTA GO!" are words that will be engraved in my mind until the day I die.

Thankfully, only the chair was hurt in the process...