Fly Fishing in Slovenia


New member
Apr 28, 2019
San Francisco
Hi guys!! Considering booking a fly fishing service for my upcoming trip. I've found a few options online, but struggling to decide which one to go with. Anyone have recommendations or experiences to share? Looking for a guide who knows the local waters well and can provide a personalized experience.
Also curious about pricing and whether it's worth the investment. Would love to hear from anyone who's used a guide service in Slovenia flyfishing before.
Thanks in advance
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Hi guys!! Considering booking a fly fishing service for my upcoming trip. I've found a few options online, but struggling to decide which one to go with. Anyone have recommendations or experiences to share? Looking for a guide who knows the local waters well and can provide a personalized experience.
Also curious about pricing and whether it's worth the investment. Would love to hear from anyone who's used a guide service in Slovenia before.
Thanks in advance
I spent a week there a few years ago and fished with the guide that also owned the AirBnB home we rented in Grahovo al Baci (near Tolmin: ). As a home base it's about as central as you can get. I would connect you immediately, but sadly he passed away much too young a couple years ago.

Happy to give you as much detail as you'd like. I did get to know another local 'sort of a guide' who runs a European flyfishing group and lives locally. Likely a bit much for a post, so I will PM you and we can use email/phone.

But - some high level:

- The Julian Alps are absolutely amazing. Whether you fish or not, traveling in the region is well worth it

- We caught Grayling, Browns and a couple rainbows. Did not hook a Marble trout although we gave it a shot. We did lay eyes on some on a hiking trail along the Soci though. Basically they occupy the 'Bull Trout' niche in that part of the world. Had fairly challenging water conditions on the Marble trout water.

- The guided 'experience' was more informal than you'd find in the western US (partly by my design). But invaluable for navigating which permits to get, where to get them, spots (obviously), and some level of fly selection and advice. But if you're a capable flyfisherman you'll be generally fine with a Western US trout setup and flies.

- Outside of fishing, there is a lot to see and do in the area and virtually no crowds even in summer. Triglav natl park, the 'Walk of Peace' trails along the Italian border through restored trenches from WW1, the Car Train/Motorrail, several easy hikes along the Soci, easy striking distance to Llubljana and Trieste. Highly recommend flying into Trieste instead of Llubljana or Venice if possible. The Italian Adriatic is very underrated and if you're going in fishing season, Venice will be a zoo.

- I believe the Rental is operating under new ownership as a guesthouse now (e.g. renting individual rooms instead of the whole house): and it's a wonderful house. Technically has frontage on a small stream below it but it's dauntingly steep.

But shoot me a PM and can try and answer other questions.

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