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Flat Landers at Yellowstone don’t ever learn

Saw this happen once at Yellowstone. Group of folks wanted to get close to a big boy to get better pics. Someone told us that it was sleeping. When that dude stood up and charged it was like a covey of quail blew up! Husbands left wives, mothers left children(they were all teenagers). It was everyone for themselves. They ran in all directions. It was hilarious! Luckily nobody was hurt, but stupid was with them that day! The dumbest thing was the leader of the group said they thought it was a grizzly. Like that would’ve been better!
I am always amazed on how some folks have no Idea about animals these days
I live in Pa and run up to Benezette in Sept and I see people getting 10yrds from rutting bull elk for picks everytime I wonder is this the yr we see someone gored
It’s sad really. The general public really is ignorant about wildlife and nature. What many people see on tv where programs personify animals and leave out all the “ugly truth” about how wild animals survive and die leads to gross misunderstandings and ignorance. Unfortunately, these same people vote and have opinions about how our wildlife and wild places should me managed.

It makes me wonder what hunters, wildlife professionals and other groups can do to promote more thorough understanding of this area by the general population. Maybe a more informed public could help address so many policies and regulations that are based more on politics than on science. Probably a bit too idealistic of me, but what if we don’t? The problem of ignorance about wildlife does seem to be getting worse.
It’s sad really. The general public really is ignorant about wildlife and nature. What many people see on tv where programs personify animals and leave out all the “ugly truth” about how wild animals survive and die leads to gross misunderstandings and ignorance. Unfortunately, these same people vote and have opinions about how our wildlife and wild places should me managed.

It makes me wonder what hunters, wildlife professionals and other groups can do to promote more thorough understanding of this area by the general population. Maybe a more informed public could help address so many policies and regulations that are based more on politics than on science. Probably a bit too idealistic of me, but what if we don’t? The problem of ignorance about wildlife does seem to be getting worse.
This is funny. Right after posting this (above) I saw a piece on CBS this morning about a woman with 35 animals living in harmony…in her house. They also showed a loin, a bear and a tiger all living together as “friends”. No discussion of how artificial this behavior is because of the man made environment created for these animals. I think some people watch this and come away thinking that this is “normal” animal behavior.

It surely looks like we will probably have many more videos of wild animal encounters by ignorant (and some stupid) people to entertain us.
I blame steve irwin! He went around saying "i probably shouldnt do this" and sticking he thumb up every animals arse on tv for years. Then finally the animals got payback when that stingray stuck him, but that part isnt remembered. Just like the demise of western hunting i blame the
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After some consideration of my comments here, maybe I’m just trying to fix stupid…and making excuses for people to not take responsibility for their own actions.

I retract my previous statements. Let’s see more examples of stupid people encounters with wild animals. 🤪🤣
It’s sad really. The general public really is ignorant about wildlife and nature. What many people see on tv where programs personify animals and leave out all the “ugly truth” about how wild animals survive and die leads to gross misunderstandings and ignorance. Unfortunately, these same people vote and have opinions about how our wildlife and wild places should me managed.

It makes me wonder what hunters, wildlife professionals and other groups can do to promote more thorough understanding of this area by the general population. Maybe a more informed public could help address so many policies and regulations that are based more on politics than on science. Probably a bit too idealistic of me, but what if we don’t? The problem of ignorance about wildlife does seem to be getting worse.

More people now on planet earth, plus everyone has a video camera in there pocket now , as for the general public, If the signs all over Yellowstone that say don’t go near wildlife isn’t clear enough, people that ignore that get an education the hard way. I can see why it happens , as hunters and outdoorsmen , we learn to respect the wild early on , then the other side is , people who never been in the wild , who don’t hunt, have never been anywhere wild , there not the camping kind , go on vacation to a place like Yellowstone and don’t feel fear , see everyone else ignoring the signs and they feel safe , then we get a new video ! Like this one , the Bison 🦬 is only awarded the silver medal 🥈, 15 point deduction for picking on a child under 10 and not the parents who put her this horrible situation


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