Caribou Gear

Fixed power scopes 6x end of an era?

Mine are dialed to 3X, 4X, or 4.5X. I prefer a fixed 6X to kill in open country and a fixed 4X to kill in thick country. There is more to hunting than killing. Unfortunately, I have found judgment problems to be an issue when more than one deer is there. You look at them through the binos, go to the scope, the deer have moved, you go back...I have enjoyed the “upgrade” for that reason. I believe that I once shot the wrong deer, and that the error would not have been made if I’d had a more powerful scope. The first deer is the one I killed. The second is the one I thought I was killing. While I was happy either way, the one that hit the dirt measured much smaller than the living one would have. 6X was more than enough to make the shot, but it wasn’t enough to stay on the bigger deer.

The one hitting the ground scored mush less than the one that didn't? How do you know that if you couldn't tell the difference looking through your scope?

My favorite hunting scope has been a fixed 2 3/4x for a whole lot of years. Next is a fixed 4x. Next would be a 2-7x.
The one hitting the ground scored mush less than the one that didn't? How do you know that if you couldn't tell the difference looking through your scope?

My favorite hunting scope has been a fixed 2 3/4x for a whole lot of years. Next is a fixed 4x. Next would be a 2-7x.

Cause I could tell looking through my binos that the other one was bigger. Of course, I then I got some great pics of him later to confirm how much bigger.

There’s even an episode where Randy is looking at bucks in CO through a spotter, then shoots the wrong buck. When I saw that I thought “yep...been there”. Luckily I was still pretty happy with the smaller buck.
Fixed 4x is my favorite, fixed 6x after that. Variable power scopes are purging the fixed power from lineups.

I own a 3-9x leupold vx1. It has held up. But I like the simplicity of a fixed power scope.

The other thing that's a bummer is for those of us who use "classic" rifles with gloss blued finish, the last thing I want to put on my rifle is a matte black scope with giant tactical knobs.

Thanks, yeah. have fixed 4 power on my 222, that was my -20F lying in the snow calling predator gun. I don't do that anymore so was thinking maybe swapping things around. Tinkering you know... I hear you on the blue vs matte thing. And yes, all about functionality, but just a bit to form, if you get the reference.
Funny thing is, even if you own an all singing multi mag scope, I bet if you were to look at the dial the bulk of hunters will have it dialled down to 6x! ;)
For me, I shoot better with less adjustments. Maybe I'm just a head-case, (ha!) but seriously, one less thing to mess with helps me focus better on the target, pardon the pun.
For me, I shoot better with less adjustments. Maybe I'm just a head-case, (ha!) but seriously, one less thing to mess with helps me focus better on the target, pardon the pun.

You’re no head case. Just about everyone would. Just for making the shot, it’s very difficult to beat a fixed 4X or 6X.

The low light advantages of a fixed power are often understated by folks who haven’t done a lot of low light hunting with with a fixed and a variable. For big game it’s only a few minutes per day unless you’re in dark timber. For night hunting varmints where it’s legal, the difference is big. I have a fixed 6X on my .222. A 4X might be even better.
My 3x-9x barely ever gets moved from 3x. I use it on my calling rifle. Lower magnification is much better on a calling rifle because those damn coyotes can show up from 10 yards to 400 plus yards. I like the fixed 4X for an all around hunting scope on my 30-06 for big game and sometimes coyotes, because it's a point and shoot setup. Works well in open areas and timber alike.

Too many people rely on variable high power magnification and turning turrets to shoot rather than learning the rifle and understanding the ballistics of the round they are shooting.
Weaver still makes the k6, probably not near as nice as the others mentioned though as I haven't looked through the new weaver. Nanchez shooting supply usually has a good variety of weaver scopes.
Weaver still makes the k6, probably not near as nice as the others mentioned though as I haven't looked through the new weaver. Nanchez shooting supply usually has a good variety of weaver scopes.

They’re very clear and bright and have a pretty good field of view. I like my FX-III better, but you can’t beat the price. They don’t track like a micro-trac scope, but they hold zero. They have better glass than than the newer Sightron SII variables made in the Philippines. Not quite as good as the T-Series, or the Japanese SII 6x42 that I had. They’re still clearer and brighter than a lot of variables costing 3x-5x as much.
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S&B still make the 6x42. Just bought one for $1050. They have the 6x42, 7x50, 8x56, and 10x42 all in the classic line 30mm tube. The 10x42 klassik is around 850 new on optics trade. The hungarian models are even cheaper maybe around $300 more than the Leupold 6x42mm. From what i am reading the Hungarian models are all the same as the German models but since labor is cheaper in Hungry they can make the price point cheaper. Uses the same Schott glass and equipment. I have not looked through yet, but very excited about it.
I thought of going the fixed power route, but the way i hunt i really like having a scope that can go down to 1x. I have a 1-6×24 on my .243, a 1-8×24 on my .450 bushmaster, a 1-6×24 on my ar pistol (truck gun), and a 1-8×30 on a .308. Basically always roll at 1x, but nice to know i can crank up to 6 or 8 if needed. Sometimes 4x or 6x is just too damn much.
I love the Leupold 6x42mm scope. Out of 3 big-game rifles I own one has a 4x Leupold, one rifle (I sold) has a 6x36mm Leupold, and the last is a Ruger 6mm Remington with a 6x42mm scope on it. The rifle which the 6x36 was on was sold along with the scope. I replaced the rifle with a custom built Model 70 in 280AI, and the scope on it now is a 4.5-14x40mm Leupold with the B&C reticle. Love that reticle. Simple and quick to use. First variable I have ever had on a hunting rifle.

You are putting this on a 300 WM, the 6x42mm would serve you well. Great scope. If you know what your load and FPS will be, you could order the scope from Leupold and have it with the LR dot's calibrated to the ballistics of your load. Good luck on your decision.

Forgot to add that since I am building the scope I want, I wish that instead of using the dots for the extended distances on the vertical crosshair that instead Leupold used the hashes like the ones found in the B&C reticle. It makes a more precise aiming point in my estimation.
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I thought of going the fixed power route, but the way i hunt i really like having a scope that can go down to 1x. I have a 1-6×24 on my .243, a 1-8×24 on my .450 bushmaster, a 1-6×24 on my ar pistol (truck gun), and a 1-8×30 on a .308. Basically always roll at 1x, but nice to know i can crank up to 6 or 8 if needed. Sometimes 4x or 6x is just too damn much.
I have never found your last sentence to be the case. Assuming the rifle fits well and the scope was mounted correctly.
You’re no head case. Just about everyone would. Just for making the shot, it’s very difficult to beat a fixed 4X or 6X.

The low light advantages of a fixed power are often understated by folks who haven’t done a lot of low light hunting with with a fixed and a variable. For big game it’s only a few minutes per day unless you’re in dark timber. For night hunting varmints where it’s legal, the difference is big. I have a fixed 6X on my .222. A 4X might be even better.
This is very true, I was guiding a hunter once, he was after a nice stag, he had a very nice Swarovski variable power scope, right on last legal light around 150 yards away out came a cracker, I was waiting for the bang, I enquired 'why don't you shoot? he said 'I can't see the bloody thing', then I realised, too late, it was set on 25x mag!
I could see it clearly through my fixed S&B 6x42
The stag walked!
Weaver still makes the k6, probably not near as nice as the others mentioned though as I haven't looked through the new weaver. Nanchez shooting supply usually has a good variety of weaver scopes.
Sadly it looks like they are no longer making that scope. It’s marked as discontinued on MidwayUSA and not listed on Weaver’s site. I’ve been trying to find a decent, clean looking (not lots of turrets/knobs), modestly priced fixed power for my dad’s lever action and it seems impossible now. Kind of a bummer, but I think a low power variable might be the best shot at this point.
Sadly it looks like they are no longer making that scope. It’s marked as discontinued on MidwayUSA and not listed on Weaver’s site. I’ve been trying to find a decent, clean looking (not lots of turrets/knobs), modestly priced fixed power for my dad’s lever action and it seems impossible now. Kind of a bummer, but I think a low power variable might be the best shot at this point.

not sure what price you are afterbut you could buy some used ones in the link Or buy a new one for $450.

not sure what price you are afterbut you could buy some used ones in the link Or buy a new one for $450.
Yeah I think I’ll keep on eye out for used ones. Thanks!

not sure what price you are afterbut you could buy some used ones in the link Or buy a new one for $450.
Paying $450 for that scope is a bad use of money. It was a great scope for the $138 that it cost. I’ve used 3 or 4 of them.
Yeah I think I’ll keep on eye out for used ones. Thanks!
sorry one more for you

Sadly it looks like they are no longer making that scope. It’s marked as discontinued on MidwayUSA and not listed on Weaver’s site. I’ve been trying to find a decent, clean looking (not lots of turrets/knobs), modestly priced fixed power for my dad’s lever action and it seems impossible now. Kind of a bummer, but I think a low power variable might be the best shot at this point.

It’s a shame they took Weaver out of the scope business. Leupold, and Meopta still make a fixed 6X. Did Leupold actually drop the FX-II? Their 6x42 FX-III really isn’t that big. I love mine.
Paying $450 for that scope is a bad use of money. It was a great scope for the $138 that it cost. I’ve used 3 or 4 of them.
i would disagree, the one i bought a few years ago has better clarity, brightness than many scopes that are more than double the cost of it. to my eye it is still better optically than the VX5HD series. It holds it own next to my father in laws Swaro Z5, his Swaro X5 does blow it out of the water. it does depend on application though, but curious now what would you buy at the $500 price point?

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