Fixed blade for the field


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2019
I have been using the Gerber model that has three blades for a few years. Overall, it's a great knife except for one thing. I trip the release button when I place my index finger or thumb on the backbone of the blade.

So it's time for a new fixed blade. I've been eyeballing the Benchmade steep country and the MFC whitetail or blackfoot.

Thoughts? The Benchmade is quite a bit less. Those g10 handles really start to push the price up.
I own several benchmades, all great knives. Got a saddle mountain with s90 steel, it holds a amazing edge just PIA to sharpen. I breakdown several animals between sharpening so edge holds well. You will not regret getting one but for most i would recommend just get the 30v steel version.
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I got a MKC Stonegoat recently TBD how it performs but I have high hopes. I have been full havalon replaceable until now.
I love my Gerber Pro Guide Series 925 fixed blade. It was in my kit for 30 years or more. I retired it when I switched to the Gerber EBS "Newberg Special"

The biggest surprise to me has been Chinese fixed blades I bought at the Arrowhead gas at Wildhorse Casino in Pendleton. Cheap as hell, but outstanding.
I can't say the same for their automatics.
Esee Izula II

A buddy turned me on to these last year. I was looking for a knife to complement my Havalon and be able to bust joints and stand up to abuse.

$80ish. High quality. Holds an edge. Will always have one with me.

PEAX Trekking Poles

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