Fix my screw up. (Elk mount)

Get some bailing twine, wrap it around the horns and leave a BIG tangled ball of it over the oopsie.
As a taxidermist I don't see any reason not to graft/patch in a piece of color matching hide from different elk hide. Even if you get another cape donated to you that would involve a completely different mounting job and I highly doubt the taxidermist wants to mount another elk for free.
If the hide dries before you find a piece to patch in the hide can easily be rehydrated by placing a wet towel on the area for a couple days. At that point the skin is wet again and can easily be sewn to attachment piece. This is by far the easiest fix.
Cutting the back of the form is not the answer. Besides looking goofy it would cut away the plywood that was attached when the form was poured thus leaving the form without a solid attachment on back. The form could be cut short on back and a piece of plywood fastened on back of form with Bondo but short form will not look good.
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As a taxidermist I don't see any reason not to graft/patch in a piece of color matching hide from different elk hide. Even if you get another cape donated to you that would involve a completely different mounting job and I highly doubt the taxidermist wants to mount another elk for free.
If the hide dries before you find a piece to patch in the hide can easily be rehydrated by placing a wet towel on the area for a couple days. At that point the skin is wet again and can easily be sewn to attachment piece. This is by far the easiest fix.
Cutting the back of the form is not the answer. Besides looking goofy it would cut away the plywood that was attached when the form was poured thus leaving the form without a solid attachment on back. The form could be cut short on back and a piece of plywood fastened on back of form with Bondo but short form will not look good.
I agree with all this. I've patched in that area in the past and no one but me know it was done. Your taxidermist should have known the cape was cut short and brain stormed with you before mounting it. It will be harder to fix because it is mounted.
I agree with those that say patch it. A good taxi should be able to make it work really well. I’ve seen a couple huge holes in dall sheep necks patched without being too noticeable and also some pronghorn ears patched. All turned out fine and weren’t noticeable unless you really knew to look

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