thats very funny.
Ya'll want to hear a real story.we'll your going to anyway hehe.
When i first moved to az back in late 1981. I was a fishing fool. I just came from washington and loved to trout fish. I asked where to go and I was told. Me and My buddy pack up and head north. Now I moved here during monsoon time. We were driving up the road and saw this beautyful river. I mean this thing was just a trout looking river. Rocks, current pools and everything a trout guy could want.
ever though our other place was still 70 miles away we decided to fish this one.
Break out the poles put the waders on and start fishing, couldnt be better the weather was great in the 110's. I fishing and I here my buddy mike say "hey I got a bite now this was only 30 mins into it." wow I'm gettuing excited now. Kinda funny how I got a bite within 10 mins after that also. still nothing has been landed. just about noon time a guy and hisdad walked up to us and said did you guys get anything. I said no just a few bites thats it. he toldme he didnt think there were fish in it but since I had gotten a few bite they were going to try it. so the four of us sat there for another 6-7 hours getting bites but no fish. could figure it out.the man and his son were going fishing for the first time in az also and had no idea where to go, he saw us and stopped.
Now over the course of the day we saw alot of people pull over and watch us and one or 2 were laughling. some people even said "there aint no fish in that river". But we had bite's so we new better.
As we were packing up we thought it was funny that we caught no fish but oh-well thats fishing. so we headed up to the other spot for the next day. did some fishing up there and caught plenty but they were all 10-12 inches nothing big(like washington). thats when me and my friend discover bass fishing. we never went up that way for trout again and just fished the local lakes for bass. we'll about dec. it was cold and just was a perfect day to go get some trout. figured that we would try that spot again in the am then go up to the lakes and creeks up north.
we drive to the river and it was gone I mean flat gone. there wasnt even a puddle in there. Turns out that this big nice blue ribbon trout stream was a just a wash and thatts it just a wash!!!! there is only water in it when it rains.
everytime I go by that place I just laugh like heck.last month(20 years later) my wife asked me why I laughed everytime I crossed that bridge(been doing it for years). We'll I finaly broke down and told her. that women has not laid off of me yet.
Didn't mean to get going but that puddle reminded me of something.
Delw I have fished some of the unmost likely places that fish would live and have caught fish.In high school I hit ever pond,puddle,sinkhole and retition pond in the Orlando and surrounding areas and catch the heck out of bass.My faviote little spot was in Forest City near a lake at a apartment complex.There was a tiny,I mean tiny retition pond where the moma bass would come up through the drain culvert and lay eggs,the egss would hatch and in no time there would hundreds of bass in this pond.By now the water was toolow for the bass to get and they got hungry.I would catch bass all day long,no challenge but still fun.