First Yote!


New member
Nov 28, 2001
somewhere other than AZ :(
I was hunting deer on the 18th on a neighbors property and saw movement about 100 yards off to my left. I was sitting under some cedar trees and stood up to see what it was. All of a sudden a small yote appeared right off to my left facing me about 50 yards away and walking really fast towards me. It spotted me and stopped and then moved to my right trying to wind me for I was well into the trees trying to hide the hunter orange vest and hat. When he got about 30 yds from me and directly in front of me, he stopped and turned his head to the left to look over his shoulder at something and that allowed me to shoulder my 06.
I rested the crosshairs on his right shoulder and squeezed the trigger and he flipped out of view. Right then 2 more yotes were down lower and behind him took off away from me and a very large husky/wolf hybred looking dog took off to my right at a very fast run. It appeared to be around 80-100 pounds for it was over 3X the size of my 25 pounder. With my bolt action 06 I could not get on the big one soon eenough for a safe shot as it crested the ridge 150 yards behind me. I went to recover my yote and could not find him.:( Then I spotted the blood trail and he was 40 yards down hill and completely and totally dead. 1" hole going in and 4" hole coming out. That 06 with the 180 grain nosler partition really messes them up.
The pelt was full of dead and live ticks so I took off the tail and froze it, and threw the body and fur away out on his back 100 to scare off any other yotes in that portion of his property. He has over 800 acres that he ranches and wants me out there to kill as many as I find. :D
No pictures on the yote though out of film :eek: :mad: |oo
Will post picture of tail when I can and any other yotes if I am that lucky. :rolleyes:

Have any of you noticed any domestic dogs running with yotes and do wolf hybreds travel with them?

This black/brown & white dog was quite large to be running with them I think. Maybe it was a :BLEEP: in heat or something like that.
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