ive got my first hound dogs. hunted racoons a little.im looking for someone to go hunting with for my first few times.also im trying to get my dogs in shape. how far and how fast should i run them and how frequently. any help would be appreciated
Hey Ruttin,welcome to the world of hounddogs.Put out an APB on the CATMAN.He's from Utah and I bet he'd help ya if its possible.If I werent so many miles away,I'd be glad to help.
Depending on how out of shape your dogs are would really determine how much you should do, I road my dogs, they usually road about 10-15 mph, I would suggest you road them 5-7 miles, every other day, then gradually increase distance and turn it into everyday
Gatomans answer is a good one. You need to be careful though not to blow the pads off their feet. Might want to check their feet after the first few times you run them. Good luck and keep us informed on how your doing.