Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

First trip out West to NW SD

Streams to filter in NW SD?!!? Bring your own water. Filtering would be a pain in the A$$ in that country. This is not the mountains or anything remotely close to it. Any water you find will be heavily used by cattle or sheep. This is rolling hills along with a few breaks and big open prairie country. If you are thinking this is some type of mountain terrain with rivers and lush meadows it's the complete opposite. Good luck on your hunt!

Yeh don't watch too much of the Revenant ... there's really no mountains in sd
I have hunted there (Buffalo area) for 4 years in row, Water that is consumable is very tough to find, even the water from faucets is questionable HaHa, maybe i'm spoiled being from the great lakes region?....."Bring your water", is VERY GOOD advice!
Yea that was kind of my thought. I'm in the beginning stages of a plan to hunt SD for Mule Deer in 2019 and H2O was definitely a point I was trying to better understand. I expect to solo camp, or it could possibly be 2 of us. I just didn't want to worry about having to go back to my truck.

Do they have designated camping spots in country or is it a camp anywhere type deal? Or does it depend on the area?

Depending where you're hunting, there are some designated camping areas, suchas certain stretches of road where you can camp within 100 yards of the road. Also, you cannot camp on SDGFP land, as far as I know. So do a little extra research on that front before you come, or just find some BLM land. Also will want to keep an eye on if the fire ban is up.
I’ve yet to really narrow down an area. So much unknown for me but that’s why I’m here and there. Just trying to soak up as much as I can. It’s the little tidbits that help the most at this point. Would be easier if I were closer so that I could do a 2-3 day scoutfest but unfortunately that’s out of the question. It’s an experience game and my experience might as well be at zero for this hunt.
I’ve yet to really narrow down an area. So much unknown for me but that’s why I’m here and there. Just trying to soak up as much as I can. It’s the little tidbits that help the most at this point. Would be easier if I were closer so that I could do a 2-3 day scoutfest but unfortunately that’s out of the question. It’s an experience game and my experience might as well be at zero for this hunt.

I would be mobile. Don't worry about pre scouting. Plan on hunting an area for a day or two and moving on until you find what you are looking for. Spending a week in the same country out in NW SD may not be very productive. You will be able to see county roads from most places you hike into so it's not like you will be packing in 5 miles into a rugged roadless wilderness area. I would have a minimum of 10 places marked on your map and keep rotating until you find what you're looking for. Have food and water in your truck but keep in mind it won't be that hard to run to the nearest town to grab more. You will not be 2-3 hours from a convenience store. Don't over think it, go have fun! Good luck
VERY TRUE!!! I live in SD and I hunt western SD every single year. Archery Antelope hunting last year in mid September it was cool and overcast (Mid 50's) for two days, then rained 1" and had straightline winds of about 60-70mph. The next few days is was mid 70's. There is always wind! A true calm day in SD is rare. I always pack water and a few snacks for the field and items needed if I harvest an animal, a good pair of boots and not much else. Good Luck

SD in late fall can be 0-85degrees. 0-60mph wind. And from dry as a bone to rain or snow by the foot. But in all actuality it will probly be about 40 at night and about 60 during the day with the odd rain shower over a weeks time.
Well I never referenced trying to filter water from a stream nor did I suggest an expectation of endless mileage of country to dive into. I'll be coming from West Tennessee so I'm not necessarily looking for a 3 day turn around.

If you are in the Buffalo area hunting I can sure help you get some more water.
If you are in the Buffalo area hunting I can sure help you get some more water.

That's a nice offer. Finding spots to fill can be a hassle.

We carry way more than we need. It allows us to share with others if needed, and keep camp and ourselves clean. I don't mind dirty, filthy on the other hand.......
I would be mobile. Don't worry about pre scouting. Plan on hunting an area for a day or two and moving on until you find what you are looking for. Spending a week in the same country out in NW SD may not be very productive. You will be able to see county roads from most places you hike into so it's not like you will be packing in 5 miles into a rugged roadless wilderness area. I would have a minimum of 10 places marked on your map and keep rotating until you find what you're looking for. Have food and water in your truck but keep in mind it won't be that hard to run to the nearest town to grab more. You will not be 2-3 hours from a convenience store. Don't over think it, go have fun! Good luck

Sounds good. When you’re relegated to pretty much just hunting whitetail (as far as big game goes) in the southeast it’s very easy to get excited about this trip but I’ve certainly allowed ample time to put a good plan together and to make sure I’ve got everything I need. It helps to have seasoned and more experienced SD hunters offering their advice so I appreciate that. I don’t expect to have deer dropped in my lap that would take the fun out of it.
JMax78, just make sure if you have a chance at a good whitetail, I wouldn't ever pass him up just because it's not a whitetail. You will run into whitetails that may outsize the mulies!

My buddy and I decided our first trip out West will be an archery Mule Deer hunt in SD. Primarily we are looking at areas in the NW part of the state. So much land, so little time. I have talked to the Game Warden out there (very nice guy) to get an insight on the different laws in SD vs PA. I am looking forward to ditching the tree stand and entering into the spot and stalk game. The difficult thing is to narrow down equipment, stare at maps contantly, and get out there and hunt. Primarily we are studying areas between Belle Fourche and Buffalo. Hopefully this works out and we end up going somewhere like this every year. Can anyone tell me what kind of weather you can expect out there in Late September to mid October?
Anyone have last years SD public hunting atlas they’d be willing to part with? My understanding is this years version won’t be out until later in the year.
Yea I clicked on a webpage that allowed me to select different brochures and information to have sent out to me but there wasn’t an option to select for the atlas. So I got some stuff sent to me just not an atlas. Maybe I’ll call anyway.
I can swing by the office here in SF tomorrow.

Mine has all my "honeyholes" marked, and honestly, you don't want them. :)
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