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First Muzzleloader

Blackhorn recommends the 209 primers because their powder ignites about twice the temperature as blackpowder.
no it takes more heat than that to set it off, Triple 7 alone needs around 800* to go poof. Black powder ( the real stuff) goes off in the high 300-400 range.
After being bamboozled with misinformation I phoned the company that makes Blackhorn 209.

He asked what ML I would be using and then he told to stay with regular blackpowder for subzero hunting as Blackhorn ignites between 700 and 800 degrees, double that of blackpowder.

I wonder how many other businesses would tell you NOT to buy their product and have the customers best interest in mind? Cheers to them!
After being bamboozled with misinformation I phoned the company that makes Blackhorn 209.

He asked what ML I would be using and then he told to stay with regular blackpowder for subzero hunting as Blackhorn ignites between 700 and 800 degrees, double that of blackpowder.

I wonder how many other businesses would tell you NOT to buy their product and have the customers best interest in mind? Cheers to them!

Interesting. Sounds like it may not be all it's cracked up to be as most of my muzzle loading is done in Dec so it's almost always below freezing.

I can't find any mention of that on their site but they do have a good article on primers.
Interesting. Sounds like it may not be all it's cracked up to be as most of my muzzle loading is done in Dec so it's almost always below freezing.

I can't find any mention of that on their site but they do have a good article on primers.
My guess their recommendation to not buy 209 is somewhat depenndent upon the muzzleloader/breech plug system make and model. From my research, some designs handle it much better than others.
If you are going to mount a scope, I would strongly consider QD mounts. I have a leupold Ultimate Slam on my Encore, I used the Warne Maxima QDs, and they come back to zero perfect. This giv es you the flexability to take your ML to states that don't allow optics.
I should have included this in an earlier post. I told the tech at Western Powders I may use either a 1841 Mississippi 58ca Rifle, T/C 54ca New Englander, or a T/C 54 ca Westerner.
My guess their recommendation to not buy 209 is somewhat depenndent upon the muzzleloader/breech plug system make and model. From my research, some designs handle it much better than others.

True. One of my muzzleloaders has a non compatible breech. Noticed that on the web site and could not find anything about cold temps.

The post I was talking about acted like it was more about sub zero temps than breech plugs so I must have gotten confused.
The muzzle loader deer season in my home state also runs during December. I have shot many deer with the Blackhorn 209 powder. Two of those deer were shot in temps around 0'F. Having said that, it was refreshingly honest of the Blackhorn representative to advise you of their findings.
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