
First hand Covid symptoms

Dang, Randy, sorry to hear about that. Glad you're on the mend. COVID has entered all of our spheres. I can't believe there is still the doubt about its seriousness. We will get through this, but the cost is and will be heavy.
Covids no joke. We're planning a funeral for my mom now. She was hospitalized with covid for 3 plus weeks. Got released early this week and died at my brother's house yesterday.
Holy smokes. Sorry for your loss man.
Hope all who are dealing with it recover quickly, and those who have lossed loved ones get through this rough time. I have a 92 year old grandmother in a nursing home who got it three weeks ago. She never got anything more than a little cough and got the all clear a couple days ago. This virus is so strange how it affects people so differently.
Best of luck Big Fin. I feel very fortunate to have gotten the vaccine today and hopefully will have escaped the wrath of Covid. No side effects at all so far and our hospital said they gave over 600 shots today in our part of Montana.
Hope all who are dealing with it recover quickly, and those who have lossed loved ones get through this rough time. I have a 92 year old grandmother in a nursing home who got it three weeks ago. She never got anything more than a little cough and got the all clear a couple days ago. This virus is so strange how it affects people so differently.
Same thing happened to my 96 year old father. The worst symptom he had was a brief low level fever. Got it in the nursing home with the controls they have. Makes me wonder how useful masks really are.
Well that didn't take long...NY POST Critical Care Nurse from NYC who received first COVID-19 vaccine in US falls into coma.
Looks like she experienced major swelling is all. If that’s the side effects guess I’ll be signing up
Had it a few weeks ago along with my wife and a few days later her 86 year old father. I had no taste or smell for a few days and a mild fever for maybe a day. My wife was much the same however she had body aches for a few days. My father in law had body aches and no taste or smell for about a week. It has went through were I work pretty heavily and the majority of employees have had symptoms ranging from spending a couple of days in bed feeling like they had the flu to loss of smell/taste and feeling a little tired.
Get well soon Randy, and sorry for the losses on this thread. Keeping upright and moving seemed to help me keep it out of my chest. I've been 100% recovered for a week or two now. My symptoms were a lot like the flu but it is a little different. I've had no taste or smell for about a month now and up until a couple days ago I felt crummy in the evenings for some reason. I had 2 "bad" days about 5 days apart. Nothing too serious but just when I thought I was coming out of it, I was hammered again. I never had a fever at all through the whole deal. Things that seemed to help were Mucinex-D in the morning, Sinex nasal spray at night, lots of Emergen-C Immune support (has lots of vitamin C,D and Zinc), ibuprofen and staying hydrated. On a side note, when the second wave hit me I broke down and took the Z-Pack that I always carry with me on hunts. I do not know if it was a placebo affect or not but after the 3 days of pills I felt nearly 100%. I am 35 and healthy but after having it, I can see how it would be hard on some people.
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