Caribou Gear Tarp

First hand Covid symptoms

Got it, for the 3rd time, in the NWT a few weeks ago. A couple Floridians (imagine that 😉) brought it to camp.

Just made me sleepy and have a bit of congestion. Hit others a bit harder.
I’m trying to figure out if it’s still making me sleepy or if that’s an excuse for not being super productive lately.
If you’re so worried about catching the Vid, then living under a rock would be a good place for you! Me on the other hand…I’m not going to live my life in fear. Like I said, go get your thousandth booster and move on. My 94 year old grandfather had it and is fine. This whole virus is a farce and was thrust upon the American people for political gain. If you don’t see that then vote for Joe again (which I’m sure you will).
Hey, 🤡...go back and find where I said I was worried about catching COVID.

I'm tired of people being filthy pigs.

Go wash your hands.
Hey, 🤡...go back and find where I said I was worried about catching COVID.

I'm tired of people being filthy pigs.

Go wash your hands.
As the union man, would it be possible for you to get running water up at the asphalt plant because they don’t have it and it sucks.
Hand sanitizer...dirt cheap.
It’s just not the same.
Nothing like slathering napalm all over your hands on top of 6hrs of dust, grease and whatever’s inside of a 6 week old pair of leather gloves then grabbing a damp sandwich from your lunchbox.
I do it, but I don’t like to.
That little inhalant high from the first bite tho...
Do some research.
Thanks but I'll probably consider more than what's on the CDC website, since they seem to change things up on occasion which gets confusing for my simple caveman brain.

What about this?

"Antimicrobials (including antibiotic, antiprotozoal, antiviral and antifungal medicines) are
important to our health. They help us fight against infections—particularly if your immune
system is weak or compromised. However, some organisms (like bacteria) can change or
mutate after being exposed to an antimicrobial. This makes them able to withstand the
medicines designed to kill them. As the use and misuse of antimicrobials become more
widespread, the number of resistant strains increases. Infections that were once easily treated
are now becoming life threatening.
We usually (and correctly) associate antimicrobial resistance with the misuse of medications,
such as antibiotics. .... But bacteria can also acquire resistance after the inappropriate or excessive use of certain
chemicals, including cleaning agents. Diluting sanitising agents, or using them intermittently
and inefficiently, can provide a survival advantage to the most resistant strains. This ultimately
leads to greater overall resistance."

Most of these revolve around the same study. Then in the spirit of healthy debate (pun intended), other studies came out to say the opposite.

It has been observed that overuse of alcohol based hand sanitizer results antimicrobial resistance, which can put more burdens on already struggling healthcare professionals. Repeated exposure of disinfectant, antibiotics or other genotoxic chemicals to microbes tends them to get mutations through natural process that make them resistant to survive from repeated use of hand sanitizer (Morgan, 2020).

Pidot et al., 2018 published report on antimicrobial resistant in Enterococcus faecium against alcohol based hand rubs. Alcohol resistance in E. faecium was tested in 139 hospital isolates during 1997 to 2015 and results showed that E. faecium isolates after 2010 were 10 times more resistant to alcohol than older isolates.
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Seeing super bugs develop makes me glad I build a natural immunity to everything I can, and am not overly clean. I dont actively lick doorknobs, and I wash my hands after the bathroom. Other than that, dont use hand sanitizer, stay away from medications, and mask(er)s are the enemy. I welcome every time I get sick so I can beat it and get stronger. Bring on the super bugs, Ive beaten the staph infection one before. The kids who played in the dirt, got cuts bruises and splinters, were the healthy ones. Raising mine that way too.
The only time I tested positive for Covid I had zero symptoms….

But holy hell did I get slammed with the demands from the Minnesota state health department wanting and demanding who I’d had contact with for the past month.

I ripped into the VA’s patient advocate because of it.

They are there to advocate for the patients privacy and rights. Not to capitulate and submit all out information freely to the government.
We got it again or at least I think we all have. Took my 6 year old to the ER Saturday morning with a 105 fever. He tested positive for covid and influenza A. So I'm not positive if we all got both or which symptoms are from what but it's spread throughout the house. Same exact symptoms as last time. Alternating sweating and freezing, horrible cough, body aches and a headache that will not quit. Good times.
We got it again or at least I think we all have. Took my 6 year old to the ER Saturday morning with a 105 fever. He tested positive for covid and influenza A. So I'm not positive if we all got both or which symptoms are from what but it's spread throughout the house. Same exact symptoms as last time. Alternating sweating and freezing, horrible cough, body aches and a headache that will not quit. Good times.
Ugh! Sorry to hear that. Any loss of taste/smell? That seemed to be the one symptom that was fairly unique to COVID vs. flu.
We got it again or at least I think we all have. Took my 6 year old to the ER Saturday morning with a 105 fever. He tested positive for covid and influenza A. So I'm not positive if we all got both or which symptoms are from what but it's spread throughout the house. Same exact symptoms as last time. Alternating sweating and freezing, horrible cough, body aches and a headache that will not quit. Good times.
105 is scary! Hope you all push through it without any complications. My daughter got it when she was 3 months old and fortunately the fever wasn't bad, but she wouldn't eat anything for 2 days which scared us at that age. Once the symptoms hit me, the most significant one was a super sore throat, a lot like strep, and I assume that was what made her not want to eat.
105 is scary! Hope you all push through it without any complications. My daughter got it when she was 3 months old and fortunately the fever wasn't bad, but she wouldn't eat anything for 2 days which scared us at that age. Once the symptoms hit me, the most significant one was a super sore throat, a lot like strep, and I assume that was what made her not want to eat.
We're on the downhill slide now I think. The doctor at the ER was adamant that the fever was nothing to worry about. I lose a little more faith in experts every time I see one.