First hand Covid symptoms

Daughter in law is living in our basement this summer while interning with a law firm. Tested positive Wednesday, went back to KC, had some trouble keeping food down for several days, and slept a lot more than normal. According to CDC guidelines 5 days after testing positive or arrival of symptoms she can leave isolation if she remains distanced/masked/not eating with others.

When she returns to Wichita, we will attempt to keep to a planned social distancing (she is in the basement bedroom, with a separate kitchen downstairs) and not share meals for the rest of the week.
I realize the vaccination issue has become religion to some but you might want to check out Canada's COVID numbers.

Vaccinated are doing worse than unvaccinated, by a large number. Interesting because over 82% of their population is fully vaccinated, much higher than ours. Fully vaccinated in Canada is two shots.

I stopped at one shot which I was required to get early on because of my job. Have had COVID once, in contact with the public en masse 5 days a week. Haven't had it since. I have noticed my co-workers who keep getting shots seem to keep getting COVID. I'm done getting shots.

Anecdotal obviously, and maybe I have just been with it what you will.
GF and I both had it a couple months back she was fully vaccinated and I was unvaccinated. I was sick for two days and didn’t leave bed much but then was tired after that for about a week. She had the exact same symptoms as me but a week later.
I realize the vaccination issue has become religion to some but you might want to check out Canada's COVID numbers.

Vaccinated are doing worse than unvaccinated, by a large number. Interesting because over 82% of their population is fully vaccinated, much higher than ours. Fully vaccinated in Canada is two shots.

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Back on topic.

Day 2:
1. Fever 102
2. Epic sore throat
3. Productive cough
4. Alternating teeth chattering chills and then sweating.
5. General malaise

Basically it really sucks. On the plus side, smell and taste are so far still good.
What a difference one day can make.

Day 3:
1. Fever has dropped to 99
2. Sore throat is almost totally gone
3. Less coughing, but still productive
4. Chills and sweating have subsided
5. Feeling of malaise is much less

Overall, major improvement since yesterday. Hopefully this trend continues.
Texas daughter called last night, hubby (Dallas/FtW area fireman) now has it. I know he was fully vaxed (required for job) don’t know about boosters. His second time around with it 😖
What a difference one day can make.

Day 3:
1. Fever has dropped to 99
2. Sore throat is almost totally gone
3. Less coughing, but still productive
4. Chills and sweating have subsided
5. Feeling of malaise is much less

Overall, major improvement since yesterday. Hopefully this trend continues.
Yes I hope so.
I realize the vaccination issue has become religion to some but you might want to check out Canada's COVID numbers.

Vaccinated are doing worse than unvaccinated, by a large number. Interesting because over 82% of their population is fully vaccinated, much higher than ours. Fully vaccinated in Canada is two shots.

I stopped at one shot which I was required to get early on because of my job. Have had COVID once, in contact with the public en masse 5 days a week. Haven't had it since. I have noticed my co-workers who keep getting shots seem to keep getting COVID. I'm done getting shots.

Anecdotal obviously, and maybe I have just been with it what you will.
Where are you getting that info? It's almost nonexistent here in this city of 110K and we are sitting on the Trans-Canada Hwy with a ton of tourist traffic.
What a difference one day can make.

Day 3:
1. Fever has dropped to 99
2. Sore throat is almost totally gone
3. Less coughing, but still productive
4. Chills and sweating have subsided
5. Feeling of malaise is much less

Overall, major improvement since yesterday. Hopefully this trend continues.
I managed to get it for the second time about three weeks ago, I presume from a lady having wild coughing fits a row ahead of me on a flight out of MSO. Worth noting that I had on one of those flimsy masks and my GF had a K95 and didn’t catch it until later, from me.*

Noticed that this time around it was two days of misery then started feeling much better after. Felt fine-ish by day 4. Tested negative again on day 5. I was out dining, drinking, gallivanting, and generally feeling as though nothing had happened right after that negative test.

When I caught it in the initial outbreak (before being vaccinated), I was incredibly sick in different waves for over two weeks. As a bonus, my immune system did all sorts of crazy stuff for a few weeks throughout that summer of 2020.

I’m sure the diminishing severity of variants also played a role in addition to being vaxxed this time around, but was relieved that it wasn’t as bad.

*Also anecdotally, I did some light maths on the timeline after infecting my girlfriend and one of her friends. Figured I was contagious about 46 hours after initial contact, started showing light symptoms after about 58 hours, and finally tested positive about 66 hours after inhaling the MSO cougher’s covid droplets.

Anyway, sounds like you’re almost there! Now you can enjoy some binge watching without feeling totally miserable.
My son got it, probably from work at a restaurant. We didn't get it, but he is a recluse in his room anyway. Everyone in our family has two vaccinations and the booster.
Day 4:
1. No fever
2. Throat is fine
3. Coughing has actually increased, but is now much less productive.
4. Malaise is gone, just feel a bit drained.

Still Covid+, but other than the cough, I feel about 90% back to normal. Might go pull some SD cards from trail cams this afternoon.
Not first hand, but yesterday my 5-year old woke up and said he had a headache. He's never said this before, and due to daycare sending an email out about a possible covid exposure there in the days prior, we tested him. Positive. He laid around with a mild fever and watched TV yesterday.

This morning he woke up feeling fine and asking to go fishing. We tested him. Negative. I'm taking him fishing.
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Traveled to/from AZ this week for work. Mild cold symptoms started on Tues night / blossomed Wednesday during return. Hardly slept Wed night after arriving home about midnight. Cold symptoms yesterday (dry cough, sore throat, general malaise) went to bed EARLY. Fully vaccinated and had a booster last fall. Woke up today still mildly symptomatic and I tested only bc we were supposed to be traveling this morning to visit my brother's family for the 4th...positive. Trip delayed or canceled bc I know one of the in-laws there have some immuno issues and not wanting to possibly expose them to a known positive. Trip cancelation part sucks, my kids majorly disappointed. Hopefully just a delay of a few days.

Otherwise, it's just a cold.
Not first hand, but yesterday my 5-year old woke up and said he had a headache. He's never said this before, and due to daycare sending an email out about a possible covid exposure there in the days prior, we tested him. Positive. He laid around with a mild fever and watched TV yesterday.

This morning he woke up feeling fine and asking to go fishing. We tested him. Negative. I'm taking him fishing.
The at-home rapid tests are very accurate at detecting negatives, somewhere about 97%. Positives, odds are a bit over 50-50 that your positive is really negative. Now the dicey part of those numbers is the "control" was the PCR test.
Popped a positive Tuesday night. Slightly sore throat started Monday morning. By dinner on Monday was getting aches, chills, and fatigue.

Tuesday night aches and chills were gone Turned into lingering sore throat, runny nose, cough, and general fatigue.

Taste is down about 50% as of this morning. Still runny nose, cough, some phlegm, and some fatigue.

Already took the week off work tho, so landscaping the yard has not stopped. Spreading compost today.

Miserable in the heat of the sun. Have to take frequent breaks. Hard to stay hydrated.
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