First hand Covid symptoms

If I hadn’t taken the test, I would have thought it was just a cold. One weird lingering symptom……my balance is a little wonky. Maybe like someone who has a touch too much to drink.

My imbalance issues only lasted another day or so.

Sometimes I can feel my heart start to race and wonder if its cardiac COVID, but then I realize it was just me glancing over at Mrs kansasdad that did it.
Sometimes I can feel my heart start to race and wonder if its cardiac COVID, but then I realize it was just me glancing over at Mrs kansasdad that did it.
Mrs Nhenry does that to me, but we actually got it sort of bad in November. My sense of smell was all but gone for a few months afterwards, though.
Wife has been having some health problems that doctors can't seem to figure out. There calling it long covid. Seems like an easy cop out to me, nothing she's dealing with was anything that we experienced when she had covid.
The Omicron variants (B1, B2) are highly transmissible (some research indicates more so than the measles, which is among the most transmissible of the known viruses). It lives in the upper respiratory system. The Delta variant lived deeper into the lungs, making it harder to address. Omicron has produced a wider case count with lower rates of hospitalization and a lower death rate.

The spread of Omicron, with its high case counts and reduced death rates, should facilitate and increase the development of community (herd) immunity. We got lucky, as it has mostly displaced Delta here in the USA, Great Britain and South Africa, etc. Other countries too, but not all.

NOTE: None of the info in this post should be considered "medical advice", as I'm not a Doc and I'm not advising anyone. Ninety-nine percent of the above gleaned from the YT channel of Dr. John Campbell and it's regular updates.
Wife has been having some health problems that doctors can't seem to figure out. There calling it long covid. Seems like an easy cop out to me, nothing she's dealing with was anything that we experienced when she had covid.
If "House" was still on TV, the standard differential diagnosis of including Syphilis, Sarcoidosis, Lupus, Cancer, Porphyria, Myasthenia Gravis and Heavy metal poisoning would have to add the catch-all "Long Covid" to cover all the 2022 bases.
Long covid is apparently headaches, digestive problems, and low vitamin d and b12 levels.

First doctor told her it's because she drinks diet pop. I guess thats why they call it practicing medicine.
I had it back in late January. Super minor, kids barely were sick. Wife didn't get it or was negative.

Only thing I have noticed post covid is I am more tired. But could be allergies with spring and getting fat over winter too :D
i'm not a doctor and i wish was joking around...

but to me those just like sound like symptoms of the western lifestyle/diet. seriously.
Yah something tells me that anything she eats comes up or out in a matter of minutes and headaches that keep her in bed for hours isn't. Seriously

Thanks for the prognosis
Yah something tells me that anything she eats comes up or out in a matter of minutes and headaches that keep her in bed for hours isn't. Seriously

Thanks for the prognosis

bleh. i'm not "prognosticating."

impossible to have conversations anymore. hope your wife feels better.

anyway, i've just found the whole long covid thing really odd.

westerners have been trying to figure out why we feel like shit 100% of the time for many years. you know, not that our processsed diets, high sugar and alcohol intake, lack of exercise, or our lack vitamin d producing sun expsorure had anything to do with it.

so it seems funny/odd to me that now covid happened and people feel like shit the same way they did before and instead of it being our shitty lifestyles it's just "long covid"

just something i've thought about a lot. not saying long covid isn't real. but it's odd. not directed at your wife either.
bleh. i'm not "prognosticating."

impossible to have conversations anymore. hope your wife feels better.

anyway, i've just found the whole long covid thing really odd.

westerners have been trying to figure out why we feel like shit 100% of the time for many years. you know, not that our processsed diets, high sugar and alcohol intake, lack of exercise, or our lack vitamin d producing sun expsorure had anything to do with it.

so it seems funny/odd to me that now covid happened and people feel like shit the same way they did before and instead of it being our shitty lifestyles it's just "long covid"

just something i've thought about a lot. not saying long covid isn't real. but it's odd. not directed at your wife either.
It's all good, pretty sure she has celiac.getting them to test for that has been like pulling teeth. I dont get it.
westerners have been trying to figure out why we feel like shit 100% of the time for many years. you know, not that our processsed diets, high sugar and alcohol intake, lack of exercise, or our lack vitamin d producing sun expsorure had anything to do with it.

so it seems funny/odd to me that now covid happened and people feel like shit the same way they did before and instead of it being our shitty lifestyles it's just "long covid"
I get what you're saying. But there a distinct difference between generally feeling like shit. And feeling great, getting covid, then always feeling like shit.

Covid never worried me personally, long-covid scares the shit out of me. I know too many very healthy people who are looking at a completely different life now. From irregular heart beats, to migraines, to lack of taste (1 yr + later).
I get what you're saying. But there a distinct difference between generally feeling like shit. And feeling great, getting covid, then always feeling like shit.

Covid never worried me personally, long-covid scares the shit out of me. I know too many very healthy people who are looking at a completely different life now. From irregular heart beats, to migraines, to lack of taste (1 yr + later).

i just remembering seeing some nightly news special on long covid and the gal they were interviewing was like "i just have headaches all the time and i'm tired, the doctors don't know what's wrong with me"

it's like, welcome to life huh? that just described everybody all the time right there.

i went like three weeks straight with tension headache last month. it was concerning, i'm bad about making doctor visits. but my mind didn't go to covid, it went to: what have i been eating lately? am i sleeping worse than my normal shitty sleeping? have i been drinking more? does have something to do with the Zyn i have in my lip every hour of every day?

sure as hell didn't think it was covid related. now i've got some weird GI issues going on. my mind isnt going to long covid, it's again going to: what i have i been eating lately? how shitty is my sleeping compared to my normal shitty sleeping? could it be possible I have some food intolerances starting to rear their ugly heads, is it possible i have colon cancer? these questions worry me more and no matter how improbable the latter might be, it can't be ignored. so i'm seeing my doc soon.

notwithstanding the fact that to my knowledge i've never had covid, i'm 100% cdertain all of these things have nothing to do with covid.

it's just all so odd to me. everything about covid, everything about long covid, and perhaps the psychology of long covid. just interesting to think about these things is all.
i just remembering seeing some nightly news special on long covid and the gal they were interviewing was like "i just have headaches all the time and i'm tired, the doctors don't know what's wrong with me"

it's like, welcome to life huh? that just described everybody all the time right there.

i went like three weeks straight with tension headache last month. it was concerning, i'm bad about making doctor visits. but my mind didn't go to covid, it went to: what have i been eating lately? am i sleeping worse than my normal shitty sleeping? have i been drinking more? does have something to do with the Zyn i have in my lip every hour of every day?

sure as hell didn't think it was covid related. now i've got some weird GI issues going on. my mind isnt going to long covid, it's again going to: what i have i been eating lately? how shitty is my sleeping compared to my normal shitty sleeping? could it be possible I have some food intolerances starting to rear their ugly heads, is it possible i have colon cancer? these questions worry me more and no matter how improbable the latter might be, it can't be ignored. so i'm seeing my doc soon.

notwithstanding the fact that to my knowledge i've never had covid, i'm 100% all of these things have nothing to do with covid.

it's just all so odd to me. everything about covid, everything about long covid, and perhaps the psychology of long covid. just interesting to think about these things is all.
As far as I know I've never had it either. But as of about two months ago I smell cigarettes all the time, like right now as I type this. Despite that I have never smoked, no around me smokes, no one else can ever smell it. But it's damn near all I smell anymore. WTF life...
It was a rough cold. And lasted a while.

I only had a fever for day or so, but energy level was horrible
As far as I know I've never had it either. But as of about two months ago I smell cigarettes all the time, like right now as I type this. Despite that I have never smoked, no around me smokes, no one else can ever smell it. But it's damn near all I smell anymore. WTF life...
It's weird you say that It's not cigarettes but it's like an aerosol smell/taste if that makes sense. Sounds weird but Idk how else to describe it. Comes and goes drives me nuts.
As far as I know I've never had it either. But as of about two months ago I smell cigarettes all the time, like right now as I type this. Despite that I have never smoked, no around me smokes, no one else can ever smell it. But it's damn near all I smell anymore. WTF life...

See and that’s pretty interesting.

I could be entirely wrong.

I hate to say it, but it wojld almost be welcoming to learn my issues were covid related instead of brain tumor, thyroid issues, colon cancer, or food intolerance related, to be frank. Maybe?

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