Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

First hand Covid symptoms

longbow51 said:
Have any of you folks who got Covid lately received monoclonal antibody treatment?
I haven't seen anyone reply to your comment, so I will share that two close relatives of mine received this treatment for their cases.

I know of one person (2nd hand). They were vaccinated w/ Phizer (60+), caught the Delta variant at a wedding. This helped with the severity of symptoms from what I’m told.
My 85 year old grandmother, who is vaccinated, caught COVID in the nursing home. She ran a temp and just didn’t feel very good. My mom took her to get the antibody treatment. It seemed to help her, but I don’t know how severe things would have been without it. She’s doing fine now.
My 85 year old grandmother, who is vaccinated, caught COVID in the nursing home. She ran a temp and just didn’t feel very good. My mom took her to get the antibody treatment. It seemed to help her, but I don’t know how severe things would have been without it. She’s doing fine now.
Glad to hear it! Thanks for sharing your experience.
Hope you manage yourself well. Best to you and your wife. Prayer and well wishes.
Sorry to offend, not my intent. I feel the exact same way about people that don't wear seat belts and get thrown from a vehicle and killed, maimed, paralyzed, whatever. Sucks, but there's an easy way to prevent it and if you don't take the basic precautions, well, that's on you. Stupid is not wearing a seat belt and looking for sympathy when you get ejected.
Even the ICU physicians have lost empathy and I can’t blame them.
Now it’s just natural selection at work…
I really don't think that changes anything for those who don't want the vaccine. Seriously, anymore who puts any trust in a governmental entity? There are plenty of other good excuses for not getting vaccinated.
This is an honest question because I'm failing to understand it personally. Why would one prefer to stay unvaccinated at this point?

Prior to Covid I was indifferent to the flu vaccine personally. I've made sure all of my kids got the recommended vaccines growing up so far, and will continue to do so. I don't have any less (or more) faith in the medical community now than I did before. What makes one so averse to this particular shot?
I think the FDA approval will definitely increase the amount of people getting vaccinated to some degree (at least for those in areas where phyzer is available). That was always a nagging concern for me, right or wrong. I'm planning on getting the J&J after work today it looks like anyways.
This is an honest question because I'm failing to understand it personally. Why would one prefer to stay unvaccinated at this point?

Prior to Covid I was indifferent to the flu vaccine personally. I've made sure all of my kids got the recommended vaccines growing up so far, and will continue to do so. I don't have any less (or more) faith in the medical community now than I did before. What makes one so averse to this particular shot?

i'll try and give my own perspective on the conundrum

among the unvaccinated i personally think the reasons are like 80% political for many. which is a bullchit reason.

for the other 20%, we all know there are those with real medical reasons why getting a vaccine is not prudent for their health, that's a very tiny fraction.

and the way i see it, the rest of that 20% is the many people who look at covid and don't see a threat to their personal health, never got flu shots, and many probably already had covid and barely even noticed they had it - so why get a vaccine for such a mild disease they ask? in some contexts a valid question. "if my body can handle it then let it" they say.

i personally avoid medicine at all costs unless the lack of medicine poses a real threat to my health and longevity. we're an overmedicated society and that itself is an epidemic of sorts. i've known at least a dozen friends who got covid, for all them it was nothing more than a seasonal cold in severity or they had no symptoms at all. it's been hard for me to see a danger to my health during this whole debacle.

then there are those that are pregnant and want to become pregnant and are scared of getting a new shot (i've heard stories of women who are even hesitant to get flu vaccines while pregnant). I imagine no person can actually understand how scary everything around pregnancy, from fertility and the hopes of getting pregnant to the health of the baby inside you, can be unless you are a pregant woman or a woman who wants to be pregnant. i think the hesitancy around vaccines and pregnancy is something that people should have more grace for. cause i can attest, yelling at people to get vaccinated will only make them dig their heals in harder, even if they are considering vaccinations.

all that said, we're getting vaccinated this coming weekend.

nobody @ me over anything in this post. I won't argue with you. I don't give a shit.
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nobody @ me over anything in this post.
This was well said, I think it's pretty spot on.

Purely anecdotal but for me I am becoming frustrated with people more in line with not getting the vaccine sneering and standing on their pedestal posting articles or news about breakthrough infections or the vaccines having less effectiveness/side effects. I cannot comprehend why someone would not only be happy about people getting sick/having vaccination side effects but outright cheering for it to happen. Whether or not you want the vaccine or not, the hell is wrong with people hoping the other side of the fence has long term health effects or worse? Makes me sick how the tribalism has taken hold.
i'll try and give my own perspective on the conundrum

among the unvaccinated i personally think the reasons are like 80% political for many. which is a bullchit reason.

for the other 20%, we all know there are those with real medical reasons why getting a vaccine is not prudent for their health, that's a very tiny fraction.

and the way i see it, the rest of that 20% is the many people who look at covid and don't see a threat to their personal health, never got flu shots, and many probably already had covid and barely even noticed they had it - so why get a vaccine for such a mild disease they ask? in some contexts a valid question. "if my body can handle it then let it" they say.

i personally avoid medicine at all costs unless the lack of medicine poses a real threat to my health and longevity. we're an overmedicated society and that itself is an epidemic of sorts. i've known at least a dozen friends who got covid, for all them it was nothing more than a seasonal cold in severity or they had no symptoms at all. it's been hard for me to see a danger to my health during this whole debacle.

then there are those that are pregnant and want to become pregnant and are scared of getting a new shot (i've heard stories of women who are even hesitant to get flu vaccines while pregnant). I imagine no person can actually understand how scary everything around pregnancy, from fertility and the hopes of getting pregnant to the health of the baby inside you, can be unless you are a pregant woman or a woman who wants to be pregnant. i think the hesitancy around vaccines and pregnancy is something that people should have more grace for. cause i can attest, yelling at people to get vaccinated will only make them dig their heals in harder, even if they are considering vaccinations.

all that said, we're getting vaccinated this coming weekend.

nobody @ me over anything in this post. I won't argue with you. I don't give a shit.

When my wife was pregnant with our last, it was right at the height of the zika virus stuff in Florida. It was a weird time for sure and I imagine it's similar for people now.
Every persons circumstance is different regarding the vaccine. My wife was pregnant when it became available and there was no chance we were trying that out. The baby is now 9 weeks old and my wife had Covid in the last two weeks. It had zero impact on her…if she wouldn’t have had a cough one day and been tested we never would have known. Now she’s in the question of whether or not she needs the vaccine. I told her it was her choice, but she is very fit and eats as healthy as it gets. The one real benefit is that the baby should get the antibodies through her if she gets vaccinated now. Or maybe she will get them from her anyway now? I really don’t care if people get the vaccine. It’s their choice and I’m not looking down on anyone for their decision. If someone gets sick, vaccinated or not, I hope they handle it well.
The big argument against foregoing the vaccine for young, healthy folks who are unlikely to have a severe infection (even though reason isn't actually going to change anybody's mind) is that unless you stay home for 14 days including the days leading up to symptoms presenting and/or wear a mask in interactions with others, you are going to spread that infection to somebody who may not be young and healthy. We don't carry liability insurance for ourselves and yet it's required by law. And even if the people you infect don't have severe infections, the more people have it, the more the disease has opportunity to mutate and become more virulent. Tribalism is a huge issue that's keeping us from getting this under control, but so is selfishness.
The big argument against foregoing the vaccine for young, healthy folks who are unlikely to have a severe infection (even though reason isn't actually going to change anybody's mind) is that unless you stay home for 14 days including the days leading up to symptoms presenting and/or wear a mask in interactions with others, you are going to spread that infection to somebody who may not be young and healthy. We don't carry liability insurance for ourselves and yet it's required by law. And even if the people you infect don't have severe infections, the more people have it, the more the disease has opportunity to mutate and become more virulent. Tribalism is a huge issue that's keeping us from getting this under control, but so is selfishness.
If the media in this country wasn’t so screwed up we’d be a lot better off. Most people are skeptical of anything reported these days and for good reason. If the news would actually put out some honest work then we may not be in this situation. Tribalism is an issue but when you don’t know who to trust it’s hard to turn the corner.

If someone is skeptical and they’re only research is fox or cnn then they aren’t going to change their mind one way or another.